Chapter 19

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A/N: Doing a time jump! 

Maya POV

Week #6 

Kinleigh has been in the NICU for a little over 6 weeks now. Lucas is now able to be with us now since he is off on Christmas break. I was really hoping that we could bring Kinleigh home before we celebrated Christmas. She has been doing so good and now weighs 5lbs 4oz. Lucas and I arrived at the NICU this morning and to our surprise Kinleigh was wide awake. 

"Good morning, my little smol bean." I said as I gently picked her up out of her little incubator bed. 

"Shes bright eyed today isn't she?" Lucas said as he brushed his finger along her cheek. 

"Yes, she is." I said with a smile. 

Lucas and I walked over to the chairs and I sat down with Kineligh, I figured I would see if she was hungry and sure enough she latched right onto my boob as soon as  I put it in her face. I was sitting there watching her feed and couldn't help but smile. Feeding time was my favorite moment with Kinleigh because it was something special between just her and I. 

"I love watching you feed her." Lucas said with a smile. 

"You know I was so scared at first when I found out I was pregnant. I didn't know what your reaction was going to be, I kept wondering if I was going to be a good Mom, What was my mom and your mom going to think? If you weren't going to help me could I do this on my own?" I said to him and I could tell by his facial expression that he felt bad. "But now all that fear is gone. I wouldn't trade her for anything in this world. I love her so much it almost hurts." 

"I told you I wasn't going anywhere, Maya. I love our little family. It's us forever." he said with a smile. 

"So I have some news for you." I said with a smile. 

"And what would that be?" he replied. 

"I had my six week check up yesterday and the doctor finally cleared me." I said with a smile as I bit my bottom lip. 

"Oh thank god. I mean i love your mouth and hands but they just weren't cutting it for me." he said and I started laughing. 

"Oh my god Lucas." I chuckled. "But really I'm glad too because being turned on and not being able to do anything about it really sucked!" 

"Why didn't you tell me yesterday?" he asked. 

"I was so tired yesterday. I just forgot. Plus I wanted to get back to Kinliegh as soon as I could." I replied as I took Kinleigh off my boob so I could burp her. . 

"Hmm, I guess we'll just have to have some fun when we get home later." he replied. 

After I burped Kinleigh she seemed like she didn't need anymore. She was still wide awake so I gave her to Daddy so he could hold her. My second favorite thing was watching Lucas with our daughter.  He was so good with her and my heart melted every time he held her. 

"You stayed awake just for Daddy, didn't you Kinleigh?" Lucas said to her. 

"Clearly she was waiting for my boob." I replied with a smirk. 

Lucas looked back down at Kinleigh and kissed her cheek "Whatever you do smol bean don't act like Mommy. You got to be more like Daddy because she's a troll and we can't have you trolling me too." 

I looked over at Lucas and before I could say anything I started laughing. Some of Kinleighs little fingers were tucked down so it looked like she was flipping the bird. Lucas looked at me confused as to what I was laughing at. 

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