Chapter 35

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A/N: The next couple of chapters are going to be time jumps. I'm hoping to end this at 40 but may have to go a couple chapters over that depending on if I can fit what I have planned in 5 chapters.

Maya POV

The rest of our vacation went wonderful. Kenzie had so much fun at the water park and Lucas and I had a nice night together. It was sad when it all came to an end but I was happy to be home in my own place with my boyfriend and our daughter. I left Kinleigh with Lucas so that i could go do some grocery shopping. When I came back Lucas was on the floor playing with the baby he looked up at me with a big grin on his face.

"Guess what happened when you were gone Mommy?" he said as I carried some of the groceries in.

"What happened?" I said as I sat them on the table then turned to face Lucas.

Lucas picked up Kinleigh and laid her on her belly then placed his iPhone which was lit up in front of her. I watched as she put herself into crawling position then took off towards the phone.

"Oh my god, Kinleigh! Why did you have do that when Mommy was gone?" I said as I walked over and picked her up.

"Because Daddy is her favorite." Lucas said and I rolled my eyes at him.

"I don't know about that. My boob pretty much gives me the one up." I said and he laughed.

"Do you have more groceries to bring in?" he asked.

"Yeah could you go get them for me?" I asked him.

"Yep, of course." he answered.

While Lucas brought in the rest of the groceries I decided I'd feed Kinleigh since it had been awhile. She was definitely hungry and ended up falling asleep during her feeding. I gently laid her in the pack n play then went to help Lucas unload the groceries.

"I'm so jealous that she crawled for you." I said with a chuckle as I placed different things in the cupboard.

"She was trying so hard then finally she just did it." he chuckled.

I turned to face Lucas and he wrapped his arms around me "Can we please stop our baby from growing?" I said with a pout.

"If I could stop time I would." he said before leaning down and kissing me.

"Lets have another one." I said to him and he looked at me like I had lost my mind.

"I love you and would do anything for you but one is enough for now." he said with a chuckle.

"Doesn't mean we can't practice." I said with a smirk before pulling his face to mine and placing a kiss on his lips.

Lucas put more into the kiss so I allowed him to ease into it. Our tongues brushed against each others as we made out in the kitchen. We pulled a part and he looked at me with a smile.

"I love you Maya." he said "With every part of being I love you so much."

"I love you too. You're my other half and my heart wouldn't be whole without you or Kinleigh for that matter."

Lucas and I decided to watch a movie so I cuddled with him on the couch. I ended up falling asleep during the movie and didn't wake up until I heard the baby crying. I sat up and stretched my arms out and then Lucas got up to get her for me. He laid her on the changing table that is on the Pack n Play and changed her diaper before bringing her to me. She continued to cry until Daddy brought her over to me.

"Oh goodness sakes baby girl." I cooed as I took her from Lucas and kissed her on the cheek. "I'll feed you."

Kinleigh latched on right away and fed for a little bit then when she pulled off me she was all smiles and cooing.

"She has your attitude. I am doomed." Lucas laughed.

"What are you talking about?" I asked confused.

"Your mood swings. She gets pissed off because she's hungry then once she's fed she's all smiles." he laughed.

"You're such a jackass." I replied.

"It's true and you know it." he laughed some more.

"Fine! She does take after me a little bit. But I think it's good because she can help me troll you when she's older." I said and then gave him a shit eaten evil grin.

"Yeah we'll see about that." Lucas replied. "As of late she's team Daddy."

"You keep telling yourself that Huckleberry." I replied then looked down at Kinleigh "Tell Daddy he's crazy."

Kinleigh looked up at me then turned her face towards my boob again latching on like she didn't even care about what I just said. It only caused Lucas to laugh some more.

"That right there was what we call single fuck not given." Lucas laughed and I flipped him off.

"You know what the next time we have a baby I'll make sure they are all about Mommy. You just wait." I said to him causing him to chuckle.

Once Kinleigh was done feeding I sat her up and Lucas took her from me. He stood her up so she was standing on his legs and she was looking at him.

"Hey you, are you a happy baby now?" he said to her and she started smiling.

"I think that smile is a definite yes answer." I chuckled. "Tell Daddy all he has to do is make sure we are fed to make us happy."

Kinleigh started bouncing up and down on Lucas legs. She was so cute waving her arms around doing her little baby coos. Since Kinleigh was fed I decided to make some dinner for Lucas and I. I was hungry for Pizza so I made a homemade one for us. Lucas always loved my pizzas. After dinner I fed Kinleigh some of her baby food as well as give her a bath so she'd be ready for bed. We let her play on the floor for a little bit and she was crawling all over the place. I told Lucas we were going to have to get a gate or something so we could keep her contained to the living room area. He agreed. Once it got late we decided to go to bed. I fed Kinleigh and she was out within seconds. I put her in her crib then joined Lucas in our room. It was good be to be home again. 

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