Chapter 24

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A/N: So I am doing a bit of a time jump here. Kinleigh is now going to be 6 months old. 

Maya POV

It's hard to believe that my baby girl is now 6 months old. She seems to be right on schedule with milestones which is outstanding considering she was born a preemie. Last week at her 6 month check up Kinleigh weighed a whopping 16lbs. Dr. Smith said that we could start giving her baby food. I was really excited for this. Lucas was unable to make it to her appointment but I was able to text him all about it. When we got home Kinleigh was fast asleep in her carrier so I just let her stay in there rather than move her and figured I'd start on dinner for Lucas and I. Stir Fry sounded good to me tonight so that's what I made. Just as I was taking it off the stove Kinleigh started fussing. I shut the stove off and went over and picked her up. She started sucking on her hands so I knew that was indication she was hungry. After feeding her I changed her diaper and then figured I'd try giving her some baby food. I wanted to try banana's with her to see how she liked them. I put her in her high chair and then pulled it over to me. I was in the middle opening up her food when Lucas walked in. 

"Looks like Daddy got home just in time." Lucas said as he walked over to me. 

Kinleigh heard his voice and she started flapping her arms and smiling then she started fussing so I knew what he would do next. He picked her up out of the high chair and she immediately stopped. 

"Boy does she have you wrapped." I said as I looked up to him. 

"Are you jealous?" Lucas said and I rolled my eyes. 

"Of course not. It's funny that she fake cries because she knows you will pick her up." I chuckled. 

"Daddy loves you Kinleigh." Lucas said as he kissed her on the cheek. 

Lucas put Kinleigh back in her high chair, grabbed himself a plate of food, then sat down across from at the table.  

"Alright, Daddy here it goes. Her first taste of baby food." I said as I put the spoon to her mouth. She took some of it in her mouth and her face scrunched up but she seemed to love it. 

"Looks like she likes it Mommy." Lucas chuckled. 

"Yep. I think it's safe to say that she likes her bananas." I chuckled. 

After feeding Kinleigh I took back to our bathroom to get a bath. Once she was bathed and in PJ's we went back out with Lucas. I sat down beside him on the couch and Kinleigh was sitting with me. As soon as she caught sight of Daddy she started grinning ear to ear. Lucas took her out of my arms and cradled her. 

"Kinleigh do you miss Daddy?" Lucas cooed and she smiled at him. 

"She loves her Daddy." I said with a smile. 

"I love her too." he said with a smile. "Lets have some tummy time, Kinleigh." 

Lucas stood up and placed Kinleigh on the floor then laid down beside her. She kicked her feet and moved her arms. It was so adorable how she was with Lucas. It didn't surprise me because of Lucas being gone that she'd miss him and get excited to see him. I was watching her on the floor and Lucas was looking at the TV when all of a sudden Kinleigh had rolled herself over. 

"Lucas!" I yelled excitedly. 

"What?" he said as he looked at me. 

"Look at your daughter." I said as I pointed to her. 

Lucas looked down and Kinleigh was on her belly. "Kinleigh Grace Friar, Daddy does not like this one bit. You are growing too fast. Please stop." he said and I chuckled as he rolled her over.  She looked up at him and was grinning. I couldn't help but laugh because she was trolling him. 

"Would you look at that! She's already trolling you. Good job baby girl." I chuckled. 

Lucas rolled his eyes "You would take that as trolling." 

I got down on the floor by Lucas and gently moved Kinleigh over a little bit. I pushed Lucas down so he was laying on his back and then I straddled him as I looked down at him a with a smile. 

"I love you. You gave me the greatest gift I could ever receive. I wouldn't trade our baby girl for anything." I said and then l kissed him softly on the lips. 

"I love you too. I want you so bad tonight. After we put the baby to sleep we're going to have adult time." he said as he pulled my face to his. I smiled into his mouth as I kissed him.

"Sounds like a good plan because I need you too." I replied and kissed him softly. 

I got up off Lucas and picked Kinleigh up off the floor. I lifted her so she was facing me and I gave her a kiss on her cheek. I smiled as she placed her her little hands on my cheeks and then gave me an open mouth baby kiss. I giggled and Lucas looked up and smiled at me. 

Lucas chuckled "She loves giving Mommy kisses just as much as Daddy does." 

Lucas and I hung out with Kinleigh for a little bit in the living room and then once she started getting fussy I took her back to our bedroom and fed her. She was out like a light so I put her in her bassinet and changed into one of Lucas T-shirts. I was laying in bed on my phone when Lucas came walking in. He slowly made his way up over me. I placed my phone on the bed side table then grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him closer to me. My lips landed on his and he kissed me so intensely that it nearly made me weak. I moaned in his mouth as his hands made their way up my night gown. I let go of his shirt and my hands made their way to the waist band of his pants. I pulled him close to me and could feel how much he wanted me. I thrust into him and he sucked in a breath then started kissing on my neck. He knew hot how to turn me on in an instant. After making love Lucas and I cuddled in bed for a little while. I have really missed him lately. I couldn't wait for him to be out of school for the summer. He only had one more week left and then he'd be home a lot more. We talked a little bit about different things then eventually the two of us ended up falling asleep. 

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