How Yall Meet

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K A I-
"And this is our main practice studio" The lady pushed a door open to reveal some boys dancing. "You wont be here much but I am required to show you" I nodded slowly focused on the white haired boy who spun out of the group facing our way. "KAI" It felt like forever before someone called his name because he missed his part. Before returning back he gave me a side smile and a wink making a blush creep to my cheeks.

B A E K H Y U N-
"When you fix your attitude text me" With that y/bf/n got up and left out of the cafe. I couldnt get mad because I understood where she was coming from. I been grumpy all day not a smile coming across my face and dont know why. I signed looking as she hopped on the bus giving me a small wave. "Hi there!" A chirpy voice said making me jump hard. "Jesus what are you doing" I frowned not recognizing this boy. "I'm Baekhyun but you can call me Baek for short" He offered a smile reminding me of an innocent kid. "Oh um I'm y/n" I smiled slightly not being able to help myself. "Ah there's that beautiful smiled" His smile grew more and mine followed. "Your smile is a virus" I signed already feeling better "Well that's a good thing I just helped a pretty girl brighten her day" He winked while smiling.

S E H U N-
Bubble Tea was awfully busy today. I've been waiting here for the longest time ever and I'm quite sick of it. Just as I was about to walk out a tall white hair guy walked in. I'd be lying if I didn't think he was hot. I stopped in my steps to get a better look at him which ended up helping me because the lady called for my order. I was so happy I didn't notice the boy follow me to the counter or reach for my drink. Once our hands touched we both looked at eachother confused. "Excuse me but what are you doing?" His voice alone could make me melt. "This is my order?" I said more like a statement not really focused on the drink. "Your right sorry" He patted my shoulder then smoothly walked away. Once I got done checking him out and turned to grab my cup it was gone! I didn't mind because my number was on it so hopefully he'll call or text.

C H A N Y E O L-
"No no no absolutely not!" My uncle Yjui yelled at me the 5th time while stepping on the elevator with me following like a pup. "Oh pleaseeee pleaseeee I promise to be quiet" I begged giving puppy eyes which I knew he couldn't resist. Signing deeply and pressing the buttons he finally agreed saying he would regret this. Once we made it to the recording booth I was told to sit and be quiet while he worked. I listened... for a second until I got bored and decided to mess with my uncle. "Yah! Stop it y/n I'm trying to work!" He screeched after I nearly scared him half to death earning laugh from the boys in the recording booth especially from Chanyeol who gave me a thumbs up which was the most I've gotten from him ever, and that lead me to mess with him even more.

C H E N-
"Suho please go and find Kai and Sehun" I groaned and turned only to bump into Chen. "Oh hi Chen you wouldn't have happen to see where you-" I cut myself off once I noticed his distressed face. Chen and I never really talked I blame it in not being properly introduced. "Do you need help with something?" His face heated up and he nodded and pointed to his undone tie. I bit my lip to hold in my laugh but none the less helped him tie his tie. "Thank you" He quickly hugged me and ran off as EXO was called to the stage leaving me red in the face.

"Yah! Slow down or you'll get a tummy ache" My mom nagged while rolling her eyes. "I haven't ate all day!" I said while stuffing another roll in my mouth not caring how it looked. "You are not my daughter" She slightly chuckled before eating her food and talking about her job. While taking a large bite I made eye contact with some guy, he was so cute that I stopped mid bite and kept looking. I couldn't help myself I just couldn't believe it. He chuckled and waved then pointed to the food that was close to my open mouth. Once I realized my face went red and I quickly shoved the food in my mouth. For the rest of the night he would mock me with every bite he took. (Sorry this sucked!)

"We are here with D.O and Kai from EXO!!" Y/f/n accounted while doing a little cheer making me laugh. "It's so weird to catch you guys but I'm glad we did" I said while looking at them then the camera. "A pleasure to be here" Kai said "We know you are busy so it'll be quick, any dances you can hint to us?" Y/f/n wiggled her eyebrows and we all laughed. "D.O! Show them" Kai suddenly said making D.O smile drop making mine grow. "But why me?" He looked so innocent I thought I was gonna burst! "Uh we have to go maybe next time" I said to help the poor boy out to which he gave me a great-full smile.

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