He Arrives At The Airport

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You paced back and forth in the outside the airport waiting for them to land. You had to wait outside cause it was late at night when the boys would be arriving so you knew they'd want to go home soon as possible. Your pacing was put to a end as arms closed themselves around you. You smiled and turned in the hug squeezing the life out of him, "I've missed you so much" You both mumbled at the same time.

"Ahh where is he?" You mumbled to yourself standing on your tippy toes to see over he crowd, not that you'd need to with how tall he is but still. You frustratedly tugged at your hair putting your feet flat on the ground pretty much giving up until you spotted Sehun. You smiled widely and ran over to them, dodging Sehun on the way and giving Yeol a tight hug. "I waited all day for you!" You chuckled slapping his chest gently and he laughed, "I'm here now."

"Kai! Kai! KAAAAAI!!!!" You shouted over the bodies trying to catch a confused looking Kai. "I swear he can't hear" You shook your head trying to swerve through the people to get to him which was proving to be hard. You almost cried because you just couldn't reach him then you lost him until someone grabbed your arm and turned you around. Your eyes were already watering but when you seen him you couldn't help but to let them fall, "Shhh it's okay I'm here" He whispered in your hair pulling you to his chest.

Earlier that day you texted D.O and told him you wouldn't be able to greet him at the airport cause you was busy, he didn't text back so you knew he was pretty mad but what he didn't know was that you were already there. You were busy trying to film that you nearly missed him as he walked fast past you with a annoyed look on his face. "Penguin!!" You yelled making him turn around. Once he noticed it was you his face dropped all emotion you thought he was angry but then a smile appeared and he ran to you picking you up, "Jagiyaaaaa!!!" He spun you around while you giggled and filmed.

You knew you shouldn't have came to the airport so early but you were eager to see him. Now you sat on one of the chairs trying your hardest not to go to sleep but you were failing. You didn't even notice you fell asleep until you felt yourself being lifted in the air, instantly freaking you out. "Hey! Wh-" A hand was placed on your lip "Go back to sleep" You realized it was Hunnie and instantly relaxed but couldn't go back to sleep. "You can't expect me to go back to sleep now" You mumbled inhaling his scent as he laughed.

You saw him but he didn't see you. You tried to get his attention but he still didn't notice. Sighing you quickly walked over to luggage claim, grabbing his bag before he could "Hey! Wait y/n?" He stared at you in disbelief with a smile threatening to over take his face. You nodded giggled and hugging him nuzzling your face against him. "I've been trying to get your attention but that doesn't matter now" You smiled at him making his smile grow, "You are right very very right" He leaned down and pecked your lips before hugging you back tightly.

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