Couple Things Yall Do

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Hiking. Of course your lazy ass wasnt down for it the moment he told you but eventually he convinced you to go with him. "Yah! Can you slow down?" You frustratedly asked as you bent down to catch your breath. "Babe come onnnn I really wanna make it to the top before sun set" Yes sunset y'all have been walking up the trail for what felt like forever. You got yourself together and y'all continued. "Totally worth it right?" He nudged you as y'all stood staring over the city. "Yeah" You couldn't lie it was beautiful.

Yoga. "Bend your body back girl" Currently Suho was trying to get you to do a back bend but your body wouldn't allow this position. "Im freaking trying" You snapped at him angrily "Then another position" He helped you up then laid down on his mat before doing the doggy position. As you went to do yours he stopped you, "No no turn and do it" You were confused but did it anyways. It wasn't until you heard a giggled that you realized he just wanted to look at your ass.

Tennis. Surprising the maknae was good at it so of course y'all got competitive. "You hit like an old lady!" You yelled across the court hitting the weak ball he served
"Yeah we at lease my balls make it over the net!!" He yelled back hitting the ball with more force. This went on until someone came and told y'all to quiet down or leave.

Biking. His legs are way longer than yours so you have difficulties keeping up with him sometimes but once y'all get in motion there's no stopping. Mainly y'all ride in the park or along a light trail through the thin woods.

Rock climbing. "Race ya to the top" You smirked and began climbing with him following after you. It didn't take long for him to catch up with you since he's been doing this long before you. "Cheater" You whined as he swiftly passed you up while sticking his tongue out. "You'll catch up one day" He'd tease.

Golfing. I know it sounds boning but seeing him so focused was entertaining also occasionally y'all raced in the karts. "Don't push to hard" You'd say quickly while he was going to push the ball making him miss the hole and you start laughing. "Y/n!!!" He would scream coming towards you making you run away still laughing.

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