He Calls You In The Middle Of The Night

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After work you crashed on the couch not bothering to change. Its been so long since you had any sleep which is why you answered the phone angrily, "Hello?!?!" You instantly snapped not looking who called. "Y/n...?" The deep told you it was your boyfriend who you haven't seen in 3 months due to tour. "Yeolie!!" You squealed jumping up that's when you noticed the time *4:00am* "Uh babe why are you up so late?"You questioned laying back down "I have to tell you about my day silly because I wont get to talk to you today" Signing you agreed to stay on the phone but ended up going to sleep within minutes.

Being the amazing boyfriend he is Kai decided to pay for you a nice day at the spa. At first you declined but as you crawl in bed your glad you did. Now only if he could be in your arms your night would be nice. None the less you fell asleep like a little baby...until you got a phone call. Groaning you turned over and took your phone off the charger. "Hello?" Your voice was scratchy but you didn't care "Hi jagiya I wanted to call and tell you that I love you and I hope you enjoyed your day" He whispered aware of you sleepy state. "Aww babe I really enjoyed it and I love you more" You cooed back still half asleep.

"I have to hang up jagiya but I love you very very much" Sehun whispered so he wouldn't wake up Kai who he was currently sharing a hotel room with. Signing you nodded "Okay I love you too sleep well" Their was disappointment in your voice but you knew he needed his sleep. After hanging up you cuddle up with one of his pillows and drifted to sleep. Just as you finally got in a deep sleep your phone vibrated harshly on the night stand. "Hello?" Your voice was deep and groggy "Kai wanted me to tell you he loves you-" Suddenly there was grunts "I looove you y/n!" Kai quickly said before Sehun took the phone back. "But I love you more okay that's all byeee" He hung up. You smiled and laid back down going to sleep.

Your boyfriend insisted that you video called him after they got back to the hotel. You had a long,boring day so you couldn't wait for the call. But as the night went on your brain let everything slip as you crawled in bed. You stayed up until you could barley keep your eyes open then gave up thinking he forgot about y'all call. You slept peacefully until your laptop started beeping form your desk. You groaned an turned over trying to ignore it but had no luck. You eventually fot up, tripping over a few things before you made it. You cut your hang lights on and opened the laptop, FaceTime automatically coming up. "Hi jagiya!" Suho chirpy voice sounded from the laptop "I'm too tired" You groaned taking it to your bed and getting comfy. "I know but I've got to tel-" He stopped once he noticed you was sleep. He decided to leave it on and head to bed himself.

He pleaded you to stay up and wait for him to get out of a interview. You ended up getting full off of some left overs D.O made the other day. Then laid down on the couch and watched some drama. It made you sleepy so you put your phone sound on and started drifting. You didn't know you slept the whole day until your phone woke you up telling you, you was getting a call. "Why'd you let me sleep so long?" You asked once you realized you got 5 missed calls from him. "Its not my fault! I couldn't wake you" He chuckled.

You was finally getting the sleep you deserved after a long wait. You had even slobbered all over Bae pillow and was snoring. You quickly jumped up when your phone vibrated on the pillow. "What?" You snapped not bothering to look at who called "Y/n? Are you okay?" His voice was full of concern now. "Yeah...just tired" You mumbled laying back down and throwing the pillow on the floor once you touched your saliva. "I'm sorry...Ill sing to you" He knew how much you loved his voice, this made you smile slightly. You got comfortable as he started singing. With time you drifted away, slobbering on the bed this time.

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