Hiddent Talent

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For as long as you could remember you was really good at drawing. Your parents would enter you in contest and made you practice everyday. So the fact that your sitting on the porch drawing a weeping willow tree(my fav) was not a shock, well to you. Since it was early in the morning and Bae didn't feel you in the bed he automatically went looking for you. After looking around the house he stopped at the see-through screen door and watched you curiously before coming out. "Goodmorning...what are you doing?" He asked softly while peaking over your shoulder to look, "I didn't know you could draw" He was shocked you could tell by his voice once he seen the detailed drawing. "Yeah..Kinda lost my touch, been a while" You shook your head at the painting. "What? No way! That's amazing" He praised your work before grabbing it out of your hands to admire it with a smile.

You tagged along with the boys for their photoshoot, this time it was in a woodsey/camping/outdoors sporting area. It reminded you of home, because you and your parents would do things that involved the activities they had here. You couldn't help but to run off when everyone was distracted. You did a few activities then ran off when you seen arrows and targets. Arrow after arrow you made them in the bullseye. "Still got my touch" You smiled proudly while admiring your work not noticing your boyfriend standing beside you, "Surely do" He hummed making you jump. "God Sehun!" You softly hit his chest making him laugh. "i didn't know you could do this!" He gushed with a wide grin taking over his face. "Oh this isn't nothing wait until family reunion" You chuckled and his mouth dropped "Show me more."

"I'm hungry" "Me too" Then there was a loud eruption of 'me too's' making you stand up "Shut up I will cook something" You rolled your eyes and everyone cheered patting your back and giving your cheeks kisses. When you finally made it to the kitchen you took out everything you would need to make rotel with. You decided to make it because its still the afternoon. Since it was simple to make you got done fast "Mmm" You hummed tasting a bite of the cheesy dish. "Oh my what is that smell?" You turned to see Yeolie leaning on the door frame before coming over and dipping his finger in having a taste. "Thi-" "No its just a simple dish" You stopped him before he made this dramatic "I don't care its still sooooooo good" He dipped his finger again and you hit him. "Your friends has to eat this too!" You said a bit too loudly making the boys rush in.

Much to their embarrassment the boys dorm has a smell that D.O couldn't make go away! No matter how hard he tried and it was getting harder to breathe each second. So once all the boys left you snuck in the door, with a nose pincher and face mask on and cleaning supplies. It took a lot of hard work and scrubbing to finally get that smell away. Now it smelled of lemons which pleases you. "You..wow its actually clean and smells good" You heard a voice and turned around to see a wide eyed D.O looking around like he never seen the dorm before. "Oh um thanks" You smiled and sat everything down. "No thank you" He smiled and hugged you.

Your boyfriend dragged you along to dance practice with him. So you soft in the corner watching them dance to 'Monster' while Chanyeol was jumping he landed on his ankle. Along with the boys you ran over to the body on the ground. "Back up" You got down by his feet pushing Kai out the way. "Does this hurt?" You touched his ankle softly and he winced in pain and nodded. You lifted his pants leg up to see his ankle swollen and bruised. "Its just bruised" You smiles making sure you was right which you was. "Get some ice and he's not practicing anymore" Suho nodded and ran away to get some ice. While sitting with Chanyeol Kai walked over smiling widely, "Your amazing and I don't know you was a nurse" He sat down placing his arm around you "Eh not a nurse but I learned things from my dad(a doctor)"

You sat along in your room messing with your guitar and watching Adventure Time. It reminded you of one of your favorite song which was 'Everything Stays' By marceline you smiled and began playing the melody on the guitar. You learned a. While back so it was perfect to you. You even hummed the song which is why you didnt hear Suho enter. He stood there dazed before speaking, "Sounds good" He said softly coming over to sit down infront of you, eyes twinkling. That night you played the guitar while he sung.

Since school and work didnt allow you to have a social life and get homework done you taught yourself to multitask. Now you are on the couch writing a essay while watching scandal and on the phone with your mom. When Suho came in he looked at you weirdly "Uh okay then" You laughed and waved your hands at him "Food is in the kitchen..yes mom.. OH MY GOD OLIVIA" You squealed glancing at the Tv while your fingers typed. He shook his head before kissing your cheek and leaving to find his food.

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