Yall Fight And You Try To Walk Away

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"I'm so tired of your shit!" You yelled at the red faced boy infront of you who equally had the same glare on his face as you. "Well same for you!" He yelled back and that's when you had enough. Sending him the middle finger you turned and started walking away. He looked at you like you was crazy before grabbing your wrist and pulling you back looking at you with the same face letting you know its not gonna be over anytime soon.

"Please just stop yelling" He mumbled rubbing his head because if the headache he is starting to get from your yelling. You didn't care though and raised your voice higher. Eventually he got fed up and screamed at you, something he never do. Tears formed in your eyes as you backed away to leave, "No come here" He said softly instantly feeling bad. He started walking towards you, engulfing you in a hug not letting you leave also not dropping the argument.

Y'all stood in your room in either side if the bed going back and forth about his yelping. "Its not that bad your just dramatic" He rolled his eyes, "No actually it is bad" You crosses your arms glaring at him "Well Chanyeol never complained" He trailed off as he fluffed his pillow. You scoffed and angrily snatched your pillow off the bed starting for the door until he grabbed your forearm and dragged you to the bed, trapping you in a cuddle "You sleep with me."

He looked so hot right now, Everytime he yelled his neck vein would pop up and his voice got deeper. You couldn't argue back anymore now caught up in lust. You shook your head and quickly tried to leave but he wasn't having that so he pulled you back against his chest. "And where do you think your going?" He mumbled in your ear,nibbling on it slightly.

He was pissed. You started making slick comments about his hip thrust, you didn't mean for it to come out rude but that's how he took it which is why y'all are fighting now. "If my thrust aren't good then why was you screaming my name last night?" Your face turned red in embarrassment and he smirked. You had no comeback so you huffed and walked to the door so you could leave but he blocked the door so you couldn't, "Oh this isn't over."

He never liked to argue but tonight you had pushed his buttons. "You just want me to snap at you don't you?" He growled glaring at you as you stood there with your arms crossed. "Maybe" You said smartly a smirk growing on your face only to fall once he mumbled, "Problem child" You stared at him before rolling your eyes and heading to the door. "Nope" He easily pulled you back "You started this you finish this."

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