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Ever since you was a little girl you'd have these terrible dreams that scared you to death. You found a way to push them aside until now. You tossed and turned trying to get away from the dream. During your struggle Bae woke up, after deciding whether to wake you up or not he finally shook you gently. The small movements instantly woke you up, "Are you okay?" His face showed pure confusion as he stared at you in the semi dark room. You shook your head, "Can you" You scratched the back of your head embarrassed but bae understood and laid down pulling you with him to cuddle making you feel safe.

"Suho...Suho please" You whimpered shaking the body next to yours in the dark room. It took him a minute but he finally woke up instantly alert. "Y/n? Are you okay?!?" He grabbed your face checking to see if you were okay. You took his hands before hugging him, "I'm fine now" You smiled slightly as the bad dream disappeared because of Suho.

He jumped straight up as soon as he feel your tears land on his chest where your head was laying. He shook you until you woke up, more tears falling from your eyes since the dream was fresh. "Hey hey its just a dream" He cooed pulling you back to him while rocking side to side slowly putting you at ease.

Ever since Kai told you the bad dreams he was having you couldn't stop thinking about it which is why you was probably having the same dream now. Both of you tossing and turning until y'all hit heads. You were the first one to sit up looking around the room to make sure it wasn't a dream. Kai sat up his sweaty frame matching yours. "I'm so sorry" He apologized hugging onto you after you told him you was having the same dream.

You was woken up from your peaceful sleep by D.O loud and heavy breathing. You didn't think anything of it so you just shoved him earning a loud cry, startling you. "Babe?!?" You shook him harshly waking him up. "Y/n?" He breath out and wrapped you in his arms tightly "Its okay" You rubbed his back comfortingly as he held you.

His hands gripped your hips tightly and his breathing got heavier. Finally you couldn't take it and turned in his arms shaking him slightly. "Yeolie" He slowly woke up his breathing slowing, "Its okay your fine" You reassured him before intertwining y'all hands together and pecking his cheek. He nodded and pulled you closer for comfort.

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