First Kiss

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Earlier that day Bae picked you up for a ride around town. After all the fun you find yourself parked across from your house. You both sat there kinda awkwardly, its not that y'all aren't comfortable around each other but y'all or you felt it was time he kissed you. Not rushing him or anything but it would be nice if he did. "Umm...I have so much fun but I'm sure mom wants me home now" You said quietly a bit disappointed "Yes me too, Id like to do it again" He smiled and you nodded while starting to climb out the car. Just as you stepped out he called your name and leaned over halfway expecting you to meet the other half which you did then BAM he kissed you. Your cheeks heated up instantly as y'all pulled away, "Goodnight jagiya"

Just as y'all headed out the door for a date he got a call from his manager telling him he needs to better his parts from TV show "EXO next door." Signing he turned to you with a sad/angry face "Its okay...I could help you too" You smiled brightly making a smile just like yours spread across his face. After sometime y'all moved to the scene when he stopped her by putting his hand on the wall. This made you a bit nervous, although the other scenes was fine there was intense eye contact and you wanted to kiss him so bad but you felt he would push you away. So there you are staring in his eyes again this time you actually went for it. It was a peck but it still took him by surprise. He looked at you shocked before leaning in and kissing you passionately and that's why that part is your favorite.

Its 1am and you sat at waffle house with Suho. He called you announcing he was bored so you told your parents y/bf/n got sick and you wanted to check on her, they fell for it too. "Yah! Your gonna eat the whole restaurant" You chuckled as he stared at you with wide eyes. "Shut up...I haven't ate today" You winked and he rolled his eyes at your remark. Once you got done eating you ordered pumpkin pie with whip cream. While eating it you got some whip cream on the corner of your lip and Suho tried to tell you it was there but you wouldn't listen so he leaned over and licked it off before pecking your lips. "Hadeu hyanghago(hard headed)" He chuckled as you looked at him wide eyed.

You sat on your bed trying to study for a huge test you have tomorrow but nothing was sticking which made you frustrated. You could have swore something hit your window but chose to ignore you but then it happened multiple times. Getting up you quickly went to the window only to be scared half to death by your boyfriend. "God! What are you doing?!?!" You whisper yelled stepping aside to let him in. Once in he hugged you and sat on your bed "I came to help" He puffed his chest out like a super hero making you laugh before sitting down. "And how is that?"You asked while raising your eyebrows in curiosity "What does S stand for" He picked up a note card reading it. You stared at him before signing "Uhhh...potassium?" You asked more like a question "Wrong try again" He pushed you making a huff come out your mouth "Hmmm sulfur" "Yes!" He smiled brightly then leaned over and kissed you taking you by surprise. "More you get right more kisses" He winked and you perked up. In the end you passed the test.

You found yourself staring at your boyfriend plump lips again but you didn't notice Baekhyun looking at you. "Y/n take a picture it'll last longer"He said loudly making the boys turn to you. A blush crept to your face and neck. "Shut up!" You hissed at him mentally killing him. "What was she staring at?" Kai asked smirking already having a clue cause he caught you a few times too. "your luscious lips" Baekhyun said in a dreamy voice earning oooh's from everyone. Just as you was going to attack him Kai stepped in the way towering over you. "Should I give her what she wants?" He turned his head to Baekhyun who nodded eagerly. With that Kai cupped your face and kissed you. Of course you could help but to kiss back cause you waited for a long time for this. Y'all earned aww's and eww's from the boys but could be bothered at the time.

"No put your head up" The photographer told Chen but he couldn't get the angle right frustrating everyone. "Show me then!" He got slightly angry when everyone groaned. The photographer then grabbed you and pulled you over to where Chen was. "Like...this" He had tilted your head to where it kinda looked like you was waiting to be kissed. Chen hummed then walked over to you inspecting, "This is a good angle on you" Your eyebrows furrowed "For this" He leaned down and kissed you. When he pulled away you chuckled "Crazy" You cant lie you loved the way his lips felt on yours.

"Stop shaking boy" You mumbled grabbing him by the arms. "I'm nervous!!" He freaked out a bit. Tonight was EXO doing a comeback stage. Its been a while but not that long as to where he need to be shaking. "Babe your gonna be great" You said softly trying to calm him down because he had less than 2 minutes before he went on. He just kept going on and on until you grabbed his face making him stop. "I said you'll be fine" With that you quickly pecked his lips before pushing him off as they was called on stage. The whole time his cheeks was red.

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