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A/N: Outfit Madison threw on. :))) I find it cute so ya know

Ah, Mondays. My favorite day of the week said no one ever. Today I start my senior year of high school, and I couldn't be happier. It would be the last year I'd be in this stupid town, in this toxic household full of suffocating memories that I could barely stand to think about. I quickly stood up and went into the bathroom. I quickly showered, brushed my teeth, and got dressed into a simple yet comfortable outfit for my first day. After drying my hair I was ready, after one last look in the mirror I let out a sigh and headed into my room.

"MADISON!!!!!" My, oh so lovely father called from the kitchen.

"Yes?" I yell from my room.

"Where's my beer?" Should have known that was his question.

"The hell if I know!" I bit my tongue. I knew he'd be banging on my door soon so I quickly grabbed my bag for school and hopped out of my window. I begin my short walk to school.

I arrived at hell nearly twenty minutes later. Did I say hell? I meant school. As I walk through the parking lot I quickly notice that the stereotypes are still going strong at my lovely high school. Just as I neared the boring brick building someone stuck their foot out causing me to trip. I didn't have to look up to know exactly whose black heeled foot tripped me.  

"You're in the way you stupid fucking idiot," Tara said, looking down on me with an evil grin I'd know from anywhere. I let out a loud laugh and smiled at her as I stood up.

"Hello Tara, totally missed you this summer." I said as another giggle escaped my thin lips. 

"What? Why would you miss me? I certainly didn't miss you."

"I was trying to be nice, unlike you," I said as I frowned at her. The crowd gathering around us let out loud laughter.

"Sunshine bitch, why don't you just go get a life, or better yet end this one," She stated with a smile. "How's that for being nice?" Sunshine bitch, that's a new insult. I'm not sure I'd heard anyone ever use that, how orginal of her.

"If I wanted to kill myself I'd climb your ego and jump to your IQ." I sent her a sticky sweet smile, and walked away, hearing a few 'burns' and 'oooh's.  

I went to my new locker after getting my schedule for the year. I had math first period, this was going to be extremely fun. After making sure my combination worked I headed towards math. Just as I rounded the corner I ran straight into Tara, I cursed lightly under my breath. I sure am lucky to be alive.

"Damn, not you again," she sneered unhappily. 

I smiled as brightly as I could, "Oh Tara, you love seeing me tho, don't you? It's why you're always tripping me and running into me!" 

"God," she whined. "You're so stupid, why is that? Not enough love at home?" She giggled, high fiving one of her friends.

"My excuse is being blonde, what's yours?" I answered smoothly. She practically growled at me before santuring off with her heels clicking away. I let out a loud sigh before heading to math, which will make this morning so much better.

Math was extremely uneventful and also extremely boring. I had no friends in this class so I'm sure that will be great. I was now currently sitting in English. I was ignoring pretty much everything he said until he addressed the entire class.

"Okay class, we're skipping all the fun rules, and stuff, and starting with a get to know each other project." My English teacher, Mr. Ulrich said. I groaned in my head, just another fun thing.

"Here are your pairings... Rebecca and Chloe, Mason and Carrie, Shane and Ben, Nate and Christy, Madison and Ashton..." he said as he continued to list names but I couldn't concentrate after he said Ashton. I'd never heard of an Ashton in my past three years at this school.

"Who's Ashton?" I ask looking around after the teacher finishes speaking and making pairs. A boy with jet black hair, piercing blue eyes, and a black leather jacket appeared in front of me.

"Me." His voice was gruff, and you could tell he didn't wanna be here.

"I'm Madison." I smiled. 

"Why are you smiling?"

"Because I'm polite?" I question but he ignores this. 


"Um. So where do you wanna do the project?" I asked as the teacher pasted around the work packet. "I don't care where but my place is not an option." I said, thinking about my father.

"Mine either. Meet me at the park 6oclock exactly or I'm out," He said as he handed me his number.

"Okay, thanks," I said with a smile. He nodded quickly and got up from his chair and literally walked out of the classroom. The teacher looked at me and I shrugged. I had no idea what just happened. The teacher instructed me to follow him, of fucking course that's what he'd want me to do. I quickly get up and followed him down the hallway. He noticed this and began to walk faster, so I shouted, "Ashton, wait up!" 

"Why are you following me, that's a bit creepy don't you think?" 

"The teacher told me I had too, plus we do have a project to do..." I explain as if it's obvious.

"So? I told you we'll do it later."

"But we could do it now, and get it over with." I grit out.

"Meh, don't feel like it," He stated with shrug before beginning to walk away. Before I could help myself anger bubbled inside me.

"Aston," I said, my voice dripping with venom. 

"Yes darling?" He said, turning around lazily and looking me up and down for the first time. Suddenly I felt subcious and crossed my arms over my chest.

"I don't give a flying fuck what you feel like doing. We are working on this project right now, whether you 'feel' like it or not!" I demand angerily. 

"Woah there, hold your damn horses!" He put his hands on my shoulders causing me to back up slightly so his hands fall down. "Look here bitch, I'll make the decisions on what works for me. We're doing it later, that's not a choice. I don't really care what you want either. Now scurry to class or to suck a dick, whatever it is that you like to to do. Obviously you're not wanted here, I have far better things to do than worry about what you want or about this stupid ass project. Have a fantastic fucking day!" Ashton finished and stomped away, like literally stomped as if he were a child.

I took a deep breath as tears clouded my eyes, I can't cry in the middle of the hallway. I couldn't help but think about his words. I'm not wanted here, I'm not wanted anywhere. I blink away the tears and wipe my cheeks to make sure there are no tears on my face. I take a few deep breaths before returning to class. I hope the rest of this day goes by fast so I can go home and curl up in bed. 

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