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"I'm at an all-time low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low," I hummed under my breath as I moved around my room. Man, I love this song I couldn't help but think. As I cleaned and danced around my room I found myself easily relaxing for the first time since I got home from an amazing week in Florida. We ate good food, danced a lot, had many late nights on the beach, and overall just had the best time ever. 

"Maddie," I hear through my headphones that were blasting. Loud banging follows the multiple calls of my name. I walk downstairs and look through the window. I can't see who is standing there because they're wearing a black mask on their head. I look at the body, it's definitely a man but other than that I've got nothing. I open it, because if it's a murderer then I guess it's my time. As soon as the door was open, the person's lips were on mine. I stiffen as they place their hands on my waste. I sniff the air and his smell hits me. I pull away from him.

"Ashton, what are you doing?" I ask, pushing him off me. After the competition, we talked a little but he had to come home and deal with stuff so he didn't get to stay for the week. He took off his black mask and look me in the eyes. His gaze burned deep into my soul and I couldn't let my eyes leave his.

"I'm sorry, Maddison. I'm tired of fighting, I don't want to fight anymore. I've never caught feelings this fast, ever, I know it doesn't seem right. And I know you told me never to talk to you again but I miss you and it's barely been a week. I want to make things right, will you forgive me?" He asked at the end of his long speech. I couldn't knock the smile off my face as I looked at his hopeless face.

"Oh, Ashton. Of course, I forgive you, I'm sorry for being petty. It seems we're always fighting over something petty," I reply quickly before kissing his lips, already forgetting that we'd ever fought.

"Hey, will you go on a date with me?" He asked after we broke apart. This question honestly shocked me, I mean, of course, I realized that we were growing a relationship but it still didn't quite sound right that he would ask me on a date.

"Hm, how about no," I said with a serious tone. I watched his face fall as I burst into laughter. 

"That's not nice!" He shouted with false anger. 

"I'm just kidding, get over here and kiss me, you idiot," I say as a smile grows on my face. He mashed our lips together quickly, I couldn't help but smile as he kissed me. This was my movie moment, my perfect moment. Wouldn't it be a shame if someone ruined the moment?

"What in the flying fuck is going on?" My father yelled as he walked up the driveway. Of course, this would be the night he comes home early. "What in the fuck? Why would you be here kissing my daughter outside, none the less! Slut-shaming is real, Madison!" 

"Because I like her?" Ashton responded sarcastically. 

"I don't give a shit what you do with her, just so you know she is a huge slut. She just wants sex, after all. I'm sure you don't mean much to her considering she was with that red-haired boy yesterday, they said they were doing a project, but I heard those moans you little whore," my dad explained looking at Ashton the whole time. At the end of his speech, he looked at me with an evil smirk. "Watch yourself, kid." Then my father walked into the house and slammed the door. I looked at the ground in shame of my father. After a minute I looked up at Ashton. His face said it all, he was confused, upset, and sad. My hands began shaking as I reached for his hand.

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