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A/N: This song has nothing to do with the chapter, but it came on while I was writing and I really liked it so I thought I'd share!

Ashton and Danny walked through the door their smirks growing by the second. My dad looked surprised but not shocked like I was. I had no idea what was going on but I was quickly getting angry.

"Hey Maddie," Danny said, chewing his gum loudly. 

"Stop chewing your gum so fucking loudly," my dad complained in a stern voice.

"Or else what?" Danny asked, continuing to chew louder than I thought possible. 

"Or I'll rip your fucking head right off your baby body," my father spoke, his tone serious yet calm.

I stayed quiet, letting the scene play out in front of me. After a few moments of silence, Ashton spoke up. "So, this is your dick of dad?" Ashton asked as if they hadn't met a few weeks ago.

"We could beat him to a pulp. With them tear-stained cheeks?" Danny let out a loud chuckle. "He's fucking screwed. Why was he crying to begin with?"

"I don't know," I reply with a shrug. My voice wavered when I walked and I let it fall to a whisper. I'm not entirely sure why but my insecurities are hitting an all-time high. The house was a mess, that could be a start.

"So, old man, wanna tell us why your crying when you've been the one abusing your daughter for the past who knows how many years?" Ashton asked, sounding rather pissed. 

"If you must know, I've finally realized what an asshole I've been. I realize I've been a terrible father to Madison and it's broken my heart. I never knew how much pain I was giving her. I believe in my heart that I was in so much pain it blinded me and I wanted to give the pain to someone else. I wanted someone to be in as much pain as I was in so I gave it to my fragile, beautiful, soft flower..." my dad explained, his tears falling down his cheeks again. Suddenly I realized I wasn't crying anymore. I was angry. All I felt was red hot anger. 

Before anyone could say anything I was yelling at him. "I'm not fragile! I'm not fragile! I am strong and independent! I was forced to grow up far before any of my friends so you do not get to call me soft or fragile!" I scream, anger bubbling from deep inside me. "I'm not fucking weak!"  I practically raised myself.

"Whatever you say, sweetheart," my dad mocked.

"Fuck you, you're so full of bullshit!" I scream. "You act like this all the time, 'Oh, I'm so many and strong, I have a weak daughter that I abuse for fun then I act like it was just because I wanted someone to 'feel' what I feel.' Stop with that fucking shit! It only hurts me, and if you actually fucking cared about me then you wouldn't have started abusing me, period. I need to get the fuck away from you right fucking now! You no longer control me, and you never will again." 

"You're just as dumb as your mother," he said continuing his mocking tone.

"I'm far more proud to be related to her than I'll ever be being related to you," I reply with a shrug.

If that stung he didn't let it show. "Why don't you let us end this?" Danny said, interrupting whatever was going on with my dad and me. I almost forgot they were there, I just realized exactly what I've admitted in front of them, my strong girl front is slowly being destroyed. 

"What do you have in mind?" My father asked with a smirk.

"We'll take her for... Five hundred dollars," Danny said.

"Seven hundred and we've got a deal," my dad said, easily ready to sell me. 

"Four hundred," Ashton spoke.

"That's lower than the first time!" 

"Three hundred."


"Two," Ashton said coldly, willing him to disagree.

"Fine," my dad said, finally compromising. He knew how much beer and stuff he could buy. Not that it would last him very long with how much he drinks. 

"Come help me get the rest of my things, boys?" I asked Danny and Ashton.

"Don't forget to pound her very hard, boys!" My dad said, as if we were going to have sex in my ex room. They both rolled their eyes and followed me to my room.

"Thank you so much, I'll never be able to repay you!" I said, tears already running down my face. I hugged them both so tight. They were getting me true freedom. I would never have to answer to his stupid face again.

"Its the least we could do, after all we've put you through and after all you've been through period. No one should have to go through any of the shit you've been through and we're sorry for the way we acted," Danny explained.

"And I'm really sorry for the way I've treated you. I've been shitty since the start and I understand if you want me to leave you alone," Ashton said. What he said is true but after this, I couldn't leave him.

"Never. You've saved me. Now I never have to come back here, I am truly free from this hellhole I'm supposed to call home. This place has never been a home, even when my mom was here. I've always hated it here," I explain with a small smile. I'm free.

"Seems like you've got most of your stuff, let's get the rest and get the hell out of here!" Danny shouted excitedly. 

Within an hour we were out and I was sitting in Zoey's car on the way back to her house.

"So!! You're officially free from hell! How does it feel?" Zoey asked with a giggle.

"Thanks to these lovely boys. They even helped me pack and everything was great," I explain, not able to remove the smile growing on my face.

"I'm so proud of you, Maddie." 

"Thank you, Zoey. I mean thank you for everything," I said sincerely. 

"Of course, I couldn't imagine my life without you, you're really the best friend I've ever had. I love you."

"I love you too!" I said.

Here's to a new beginning and far more happiness. 

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