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A/N: Zoey and Madison's dance. :)) P.S. at this point a month has gone by, Ashton and Madison are now far closer and much more friendly towards each other.

"Girl, I'm so excited!!!" Zoey screamed in my ear as she leaned her head on my shoulder.

"I'm equally excited but you don't need to scream in my ear, silly," I explain with a giggle. Although we couldn't form a team at school yet, my lifelong dance partner from the days of dancing at the studio and I were going to a competition in Florida with Zoey and her partner.  We're staying in Florida for an entire week and I get to miss school, so what is there to not like?

"This is gonna be so much fucking fun!" She exclaimed again and I nodded before looking out the window. I was truly excited but it was early and I'm tired. "How are you and Ashton?" She asked as she wiggled her eyebrows at me. I rolled my eyes at her silly behavior.

"We're okay, honesty. He's not as much of a dick as he was before but he still gets these awful mood swings, worse than me on my period. It's kinda weird but I guess knowing his past helps me understand a bit," I explain quietly.

"Yeah, does he know about our competition?"

"Nope. I didn't think he'd care to be honest," I say with a shrug. As if on queue once I'd finished the sentence my phone rang. "Speak of the devil," I giggled before answering the phone. "Hey Ashton."  

"Hey Maddie, where are you?" He said through the phone.

"On the way to Florida!" I explain but I couldn't help the smile from spreading across my face.


"Dance competition."

"Why didn't you invite me?" He asked. I picked up on a little bit of hurt in his voice although he did try to cover it up with a cough.

"Ashton, you have school and I didn't really think you'd want to watch me dance or waste your entire day watching other people dance.

"Maddie, we've gotten close of course I want t support you. And what if your dance partner is a perv? I gotta lookout for a new friend," Ashton explained through the phone. 

"Well considering I've danced with Luke for the past 8 years, I know he's not a perv," I said rolling my eyes, Zoey laughed at me.

"Well, where is it? I'm coming anyway," he said. 

"You're not driving from Maryland all the way to Florida! It's a long-ass drive that is unnecessary. This competition is hardly important!" I say sternly. Zoey eyes me as I say the competition isn't important considering it is a very important competition. This dance could define our professional careers as dancers. 

"I want to support you, tell me the address or else," he demanded.

"Don't you dare demand shit from me," I say, raising my voice. 

"I'm trying to be fucking nice and you're acting like a bitch. Just tell me where the dance is!" 

"Did you actually just call me a fucking bitch?" I question angrily. Zoey eyed me with wide eyes as I continued to seeth.

"I called you a bitch, not a fucking bitch. Why are you upset? I literally just want to support you and you're making it practically impossible," Ashton explained through the phone, I can see him now rolling his eyes at me. It was the way he was going about coming to support me that upset me. We're not dating, he doesn't have to know everything I do, and he doesn't need to come to support me. 

"You're pissing me off!" I shout into the phone. "If you actually must come to support me I'll text you the address because I don't give a fuck. Don't even bother calling or texting me for the rest of the day," I scoff into the phone before quickly hanging up. Should I even send him the correct address? I've never had anyone want to support me, this feels so weird. I decided quickly and texted him the correct address.

"Do you like him?" Zoey asked, eyeing me after I sent the text, and rolled my eyes. My dance partner made eye contact with me in the rearview mirror as he drove down the road. Luke Brownings has been my dance partner for the past 8 years. He's 5'11, very muscular, popping blue eyes, and blonde hair. Zoey's partner, Daniel McAlister sat next to look. Daniel is 6ft, deep brown eyes, and muscular as well. Just like me, dance saved Daniel. 

"I don't," I denied her words. Her words may or may not be true, I have mixed feelings for him. I don't know if I hate him or like him. He's just so bipolar and confusing. Even if I did like him, it's not like he'd actually like me back anyway.

People like him don't like ugly, broken, stupid little girls like me.

**The day of the compt**

"Hey ladies and guys, welcome to Sarah's Dance Competition!!" The announcer said as he welcomed everyone who entered. We went 5th so we had plenty of time to relax before it was our turn. I scan the room as I feel eyes land on me. I meet his deep eyes from across the room. I didn't think he'd come yet there he was standing on the back way. A small smile crept onto his face so I smiled back. I'm happy he's here but the pressure feels stronger than ever with the need to impress him.

"Alright ladies and gentleman, guess who's next!?" The announcer said, speaking once more. Zoey and I took our places on the stage. "Madison Blackwell and Zoey Hickman have won the past two years with stunning dances. Let's see what kind of contemporary they come at us with this year.

Within seconds the music started and we began our dance. Minutes later it was done and we fucking killed it. All that practice and hard work paid off. 

After what felt like forever the competition was over, everyone lined up and got ready for the winners to be announced. 

"And the winners are..." A drum roll sounded through the large building. "The group of four, Madison, Zoey, Daniel, and Luke!" We erupted into happy screams. First place for the third year in a row! We jumped up and down hugging each other.

Now that we've won, it's time for a fun and exciting week in one of my favorite states.

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