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"Cameron!" His aunt said the second we opened the door.

"What?" He asked, looking defensive.

"Where have you been?! You've been gone all day!"

"We went to the beach. Why is everything okay?"

"Yes, but I was worried, and you didn't answer your phone when I called! I thought you got hurt or something!" She said, her soft hair a frizzy mess.

"I'm fine! I left my phone here, I just wanted a day of piece and quiet."

"Of course, but you can't forget your phone like that. And also she just got here, don't you think she should be looking for a job and settling in?"

"She doesn't have to look for a job. I have plenty of money. She'll move out when she's ready. Plus I'm almost eighteen, I'll be moving out soon too, so if she has to look for a job, so do I," Cameron defended me, standing in front of me as if I was defenseless. What is wrong with me that everyone considers me a burden? I felt tears prickle at my soft blue eyes. Am I that unlikeable?

"You have money for my medical stuff, thanks to your parents, it's not for you to blow. You also have to think about college!" His aunt continued to pester him,  I watched as anger grew inside of him. He balled his fists and his eyes turns to slits. I watched him stop and shrug, his confident posture completely disappeared. "Oh, no Cameron, that's not what I meant, I'm sorry." Yet the damange had been done.

"Whatever," he whispered with hurt and anger laced in his voice. As soon as he slammed his door I began to excuse myself.

"Um... I'm just gonna go," I said awkwardly. She scoffed at me.

I walked towards my room, but I heard slamming in Cameron's room. I knocked on the door. "Go away!" He yelled, but I could hear the brokenness in his voice. I tried the door knob, it opened right away. I looked into his room. It was a mess, everything that was once on his desk was now on the floor.

"Cameron.." I whispered.

"Please just go away," he begged as tears threatened to slip down his precious face.

"Its okay to have emotions, remember?" I said, coming farther in. "You're not alone. I'm right here. Another human with emotions." I whispered as I made my way over to him. I embraced him, hugging him tightly to my chest. He slipped down to the floor as he softly cried into my shoulder as we both kneeled on the ground. His large body shook in my small arms. I rubbed his back and tried to whisper soothing things in his ear.

"It hurts so much," he said softly. I felt my heart shatter for the boy I hardly knew. I hardly had known him for a week yet we were already so close.

"I know, I know, Cam." 

"Please don't leave me."

Finding DanceOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora