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A/N: What they wore to the mall is above, Madison is comfy, Zoey is cute. Ignore athletic, hahaaa. Also the video is the dance that Madison does, while Zoey takes pictures. Enjoyyyyy

After a long week at school, it was finally Friday night and Zoey and I were going to have a sleepover to celebrate starting senior year. I started the night off by catching her up on my life and she'd do the same once I was finished. 

"So anyway, this guy Ashton that I'm paired with for the English project is something else. He's rude and..." I explain to Zoey before wondering if I should be completely honest. "He knows Jason, he used the nickname," I say quietly. Her eyes snap to mine, hers full of worry. 

"How does he know about Jason?" Zoey asked, trying to sense how I feel about this information.

"I'm not entirely sure but he knows everything, there's not a doubt in my mind. The way he acted about the nickname, repeating it to get under my skin, I just can't explain it."

"What a dick!" Zoey sneered.  

After finishing all the rest of the things occurring in my life Zoey began her week. She looked at me with sad eyes. "My life is so different than yours, Maddie. My week consisted of good stuff. My dad got a promotion, my mom is doing well. There wasn't any drama at school that affected me. I just got to live my normal life..." She said, trailing off. I sent her a blank smile.

"Everyone's different, Zoe. There's no need to feel bad about it!" I attempted to reassure her. 

"Doesn't change much. Anyway, let's go to bed, I'm exhausted and ready to go to the mall tomorrow!" She said, beginning to get more excited. She hugged me goodnight before crawling to her sleeping bag on my bedroom floor. Considering I had a twin bed there would hardly be room for her and she didn't mind sleeping on the floor. She was totally a floor person.

I didn't realize how exhausted I was either and fell asleep soon after watching my best friend drift into la-la land. 

"WAKE UP. WAKE UP!" Zoey shouted and jumped on me.

"What the fuck do you want? I was so peaceful!" I whined.

"Your dad is demanding breakfast, and you know how cooking works for me... He also thought I was you when I went to the bathroom earlier and I think he tried to hit me," She explained in a hushed tone. The best part about our friendship is she wouldn't judge me for something like this. Even if he hit her, she might not say anything or she'd just move on from it. We were closer than anyone I'd ever met and I was beyond grateful for her.

"Okay, Zoe. I'm sorry about my father, are you okay?" I ask with a worried expression as I got out of bed.

"I'm fine! I just wanted you to be careful while making breakfast. I'm going to stay in here until it's ready." 

I nodded at her and quickly changed into black leggings and a deep purple sweater. I quickly headed to the kitchen and cooked for my father, Zoey, and me. I made eggs and bacon and got a glass of orange juice for everyone. Thirty minutes later everyone was full and my father was sleeping on the living room couch. I made my way over to him and grabbed his wallet which was sitting next to him. I took out $200, I mean the perk of him being a drug dealer is a hefty paycheck. 

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