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"Let's go to the beach!" Zoey whined excitedly.

"Okay, but can I borrow a swimsuit, I don't like any of mine," I replied smoothly.

"I got you, fam," Zoey confirmed quickly. She ran towards her room and came back with a simple but sexy bikini. It was black bottoms with a dark blue top that had a heart connecting the two cups. After we both changed and met in the livingroom I could see through her cover up that her swimsuit was the same as mine but her top was a peach cover. "We look hot," she confirmed as she put her hair in a pony tail.

"Do you want to braid my heart?" I asked with a knowing smile.

"Not particularly," she said as she rolled her eyes.

"I know you sercretly do, so here is two ponytails, I'd like two french braids, thanks!" I said as I plopped onto the floor. She sat down behind me on the couch and braided my hair as fast as humanily possible. And guess what? It still looked bomb, I swear she should be a hair dresser because she is amazing!

"Perfect!" She said and took each one of my braids in her hands and whipped them as if I were a horse. I giggled as we both stood up. 

"Thank you! I love you!" 

"I love you too, now let's get going!!" She said, rushing me out of the door.

As soon as we arrived to the beach relief rushed through me. There weren't too many people, so hopefully the day will go by smoothly. "What do you want to do? We can tan, sing, walk, dance, take pictures, anything you want!" Zoey said as she walked down to the beach excitedly.

"Well, let's walk and tan first because we can do that at the same time. We could also listen to music and dance while doing this because we are the best multitaskers," I said with a laugh.

"Hashtag goals, bitch."

"You know it," I winked. 

The rest of the day went by far too quickly. We laughed, we did poses and took pictures. We did yoga and took best friend pictures. We stayed at the beach until it was pitch black outside and then we laid on the beach listening to the waves crash against the shore. The day couldn't have been better, if I could stay in this moment forever I wouldn't mind living forever. This memories are things I'll never forget. No negative vibes ever again.

"Well, I guess we should head back," Zoey said with a loud sigh yet she made no movement to actually get up.

After an hour of continuing to lay there in silence Zoey drives us home. She was gushing about how much of a great day she had as we entered her house. I went to the kitchen to get a glass of water and met her in the livingroom. I put my hand out to give Zoey her glass of water.

"Mom?" She questions out loud, letting the glass of water shatter to the ground.

"That's who I am to you," Zoey's mom said, a smug smirk landing on her lips.

"Why are you even home? Here to have another affair and then leave again?" Zoey sneered angerily. 

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