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A/N: Happy New Year, Y'all!! this is a note from the 2020 rewrite, I think it's funny how I've been rewriting it about the same time that I wrote it four years ago. Once a freshman in high school, now a freshman in college. :)


"Wake up you lazy bum!" Zoey screamed in my ear as she jumped on top of me. 

"I'm not lazy, what the fuck is wrong with you?" I ask as I roll over and push her off the bed.

"Well fine then," she said with a pout as she sat on the floor. Suddenly her face lit up. "I know how to get you up, wanna get Cookout?" 

"Fuck yes! Let me take a shower real quick," I said with a smile. She knew the way to my heart, and it was through a Cookout milkshake.

It was nearly three hours later and I was internally screaming. This woman tricked me. "Pink or yellow?" Zoey asked, breaking my internal thoughts.

"I don't give a fuck," I said bitterly. We were now at the mall. We did get Cookout, but not without Zoey kidnapping me and bringing me here so she can buy a new dress and get some paint. Currently, we were picking a color for her bedroom walls. 

"Thank you for coming shopping with me," she said with a smirk. "I know you love it here." 

"Well, first of all, those are both different colors. Paint your room purple, that's my favorite color," I said with a shrug.

"No, I think I'll do pink. Want to go see a movie?" Zoey asked, turning to look at me after grabbing two jars of baby pink paint.

"That took far too long," I complained after we left the paint store.

"You're such a whiner," she said after rolling her eyes at me. I ignored her and led her to the movie theater after visiting her car to put the paint in it.

"The Bye Bye Man?" I asked her with a giddy smile. She rolled my eyes and gave me an unamused look. 

"I hate scary movies," Zoey said firmly. I ignored her once again.

"We'll take two tickets for The Bye Bye Man!" I excitedly told the lady at the counter. "One bucket of popcorn and a large Sprite as well please." 

The lady quickly got our drinks, popcorn, and tickets and we were on our way. A few moments later I was quite busy stuffing my face and paying attention to an engaging perfect scary movie.

"That was such a good movie!" I giggled as we walked out of the movie theater. 

"I hate scary movies," Zoey repeated as if she hadn't said it earlier.

"You can't deny that it wasn't good though," I defend.


"Thank you for Cookout and bringing me out," I say with a smile. "Seeing that movie and escaping life for a little is always nice."

"You're welcome, bestie. Even though you make me watch scary movies that I hate." I giggle at her response and hug her tightly. 

Suddenly my phone rings, I look at who's calling and it says unknown number. I ignore it but the number calls again.

"Just answer it," Zoey says with a shrug. I shrug and answer it.

"Hello!" My father shouts into the phone. "Please don't hang up, I am not drunk and I need to talk to you. Can you come home? I need to do this in person."

"Are you kidding me?" I scoff into the phone. "I literally don't want to be five feet from you, let alone go back into that house." 

"Please, I need to talk to you! Can't you come home? An hour is all I ask for," he begged through the phone.

"Fine." I agree without really thinking about what it means. I don't want to go back to that house, I never thought I'd have to go back. As soon as we end the phone call I let out a loud sigh. "Can we go to my house for a bit, apparently my dad needs to talk to me about something?" Zoey gives me an unreadable look before agreeing. Fifteen minutes later she pulls up in front of my house. "I'll be back in no more than thirty minutes, do you mind waiting?"

"Glad you finally showed up." My 'father' says as I walk through the door. His face was blank and unreadable. 

"I'm not," I scoff, rather emotionless. 

"Where were you?" He asked as he looked at me.

"Out, not that it's any of your business anymore." I looked at him. I really looked at him. He looked tired and stressed. I almost felt bad for him till I remembered the hell he put my mom and me through. "Are you drunk?"

"No, and I know what your thinking, holy shit he's not drunk?" He said the last part in a girly voice, I nearly laughed. 

"Okay," I said. "Spit out whatever you have to say.

"I'm sorry," he whispered. Tears began rimming his eyes but he tried his best not to let them fall.  Tears started pouring down his cheeks. The man who abused me and called me god awful names was crying, crying right in front of me.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I wanted to scream but I kept an even voice. "You can't fucking do this. Just sober up and then cry. You can't fucking do that. Not after the way I was treated for so long."

"I'm sorry, I just.." His cries turned to sobs, and I nearly started sobbing myself, holding in these emotions was becoming exhausting. 

"YOU- you can't just act like an asshole and that you don't care, you can't call me all those names, abuse me, use me as a punching bag, and as your personal chef then cry and act like none of that happened because it did. I have fucking scars and emotional scars that no 17 years old should have. Don't you dare fucking act all innocent because you're a fucking monster!" I shout at him as tears start falling down my face.

"I have something to tell you."

"I don't fucking care! I think it's time for me to go," I say, my voice evening out as I wipe tears from my cheeks.

"Listen, Madison!" He screamed, tears still pouring from his eyes.

"One minute."

"Okay, here it goes..."

Suddenly the door opened and my jaw dropped as I realized who was standing there.

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