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"What are we?" Cam asked me later that night as we walked on the beach.

"We are confused teens trying to figure ourselves out, along with trying to be happy." I said, "Does that sound right?"

"Couldn't be more perfect, just like you." He said, grabbing my hand. I blushed, he had been bluntly flirting with me all day. And when we went out to eat, the waiter flirted with me so he kissed me while the waiter was taking our orders. That kiss left me wanting more if we're being honest here.

"Thanks, you're not so bad yourself."

"Are you saying I'm a sexy ass beast?"

"Of course, as long as your my sexy beast," I said with a wink even though he couldn't see it.

"Did you actually just flirt with me!? OMG!"

"Stop." I splashed water at him. My face was completely red now.

"Aww, is someone blushing?"

"Shut up." I said splashing more water at him, then he pushed me, and that caught me off guard. I fell on the ground. We were walking in the water. WHICH MEANS I FELL INTO THE WATER. "CAMERON!" I screamed. That asshole was laughing to hard to help me up. 

"I'm independent, don't need no man that pushes me into water," I said, snapping my fingers and walking away."

"Wait, I'm sorry," He said, still fucking laughing. As he caught up to me, I was ready to make my move.

"You will be!" I said, pushing him as hard as I could.

"What-" He was cut off by a wave crashing on top of him.

"Cam, how's it feel to be in the water?" I shouted, loud enough he should hear me. I waited for a minute. There was no response. "Cam." I repeated, louder. "Cameron." I screamed at the top of my lungs. The something came running at me from behind and grabbed around my waist, knocking me over into the water. I screamed and water flooded into my lungs. I started coughing the second I got to the surface. Cam surfaced next to me. He was the dumbass that attacked me.

"Hey, are you okay? I didn't mean to hurt you." He started patting my back, and I spit out some of the water.

"WHAT THE FUCK? You fucking asshole, you could have killed me." I said, finally calming down from the water.

"I know I'm sorry, I didn't think you were gonna be that scared.."

"DUDE! I thought you drowned. This isn't fucking funny."

"I'm not laughing." He said with a frown. I frowned as well and started walking away.

"Madison, I'm sorry, come on, I seriously didn't think it would scare you this bad."

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