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"So how did the phone call go?" Zoey asked when I came back in.

"He asked me to come back to North Carolina."

"Are you going to? You should. I miss you."

"I came here to follow my dreams though, and so far I've gotten no where. I have done some fun things though, and I really like it here."

"Fun things? Better than North Carolina?"

"Yes, Zoe. I love it here. And I wanna live here. Its amazing! The sunsets are beautiful, and I've experienced far better things here. I went surfing here! It was so fun and so scary. Back in North Carolina nothing good is waiting for me. My childhood was shitty. You're the only thing good there. And I'm sorry, but I don't think I wanna go back there."

"Please think about it? I really miss you and you would like it so much better now that your dad is gone. You can stay at my new apartment with me and Ashton! It would be like the whole roommate thing we've always wanted. It would me amazing! I could make it amazing."

"Zoe, just think about it, I could be on Dancing with the Stars in a few years! I've wanted that my whole life!"

"But I thought you wanted to be roommates for a few years, and then go to Cali, and then become dancers. Please." She begged as tears once again threatened to fall down her face.

"I'm just now forgiving you! Which is going to be a process... Are you sure it'd even be a good idea to move in together?"

"Madison, please. I need you back there."

"Maybe you should get a new lifeline. Try Ashton," I said, almost angry at her. She came here, just to try and get me to come back? Bet she didn't think I would be in a better place here than I ever way back there. I've finally made up my mind, there's no way I can leave here. And I certainly wouldn't be going back to North Carolina, I can't believe for a split second I wanted to go back there.

"Please come back Madison!" Zoey continued to beg.

"Zoey, maybe the past is in the past for a reason. I came here for a reason. I'll think about it. But don't be disappointed if I don't go back."

"Can I stay at Cam's for a few days?" I just nodded and picked up my smoothie. "This conversation is not over."

"Yes it is." I said, walking out of the store with her following close behind.

As soon as we got back I let her go shower and I sat on my balcony.

"Hey." Cameron said, coming out of the sliding doors. I couldn't get Zoey's words out of my head.

"Hey," I said with a small smile. 

"So, how have you been?"

"I've been better," I said the last bit as quiet as I could. I was surprised he could even hear it.

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