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"Hey girly," Zoey said into the phone, her voice trying not to break. I could hear the tears in her voice.

"What's wrong?" I said, fear growing in my stomach.

"Oh, nothing." She said with a cough, trying to cover her sob.

"Zoe, what happened?" I asked, trying to cover the anxiety coating my voice.

"There's been an accident."

"What?" I tried to sound calm. All the worst ideas came to mind. Anxiety coursed through my veins.

"Danny's hurt... He's in the hospital. There was a crash.." She was cut off my sobs, and another voice.


He was crying. Sobbing. Danny is his best friend after all.

"Get here as quick as you can, Mads. It's bad and not looking good. You know the hospital. Love you." And with that she hung up. Tears coated my cheeks. 'Not looking good. It's bad.'  Those words just kept circling my mind.

"Hey Madison, what are you-" Cameron stopped talking when he came in and saw me. Tears streaming down my face but not a peep coming from me.

"I need a plane ticket to go back to North Carolina," I said, quietly. I couldn't stop the tears. They stung the back of my throat.

"Why? Did I do something?" He said, hurt laced in his voice.

"Danny's been hurt." I said. Then it hit me. Danny's hurt. I fell to my knees. Sobs came one after another.

"Oh, I'm so sorry babe. Let's look." He said, picking me up.

"I need the soonest they have." I said, my tears slowing. "It could be a million dollars and I would still want it, understand?"

"Got it. Here's the soonest they have, tomorrow at 10 am." He said, rubbing my shoulder.

"I need to get there now!" I cried.

"Okay, let's drive. It'll take just as long..."

"Please?" I jumped on the floor. "Please, can we do that?" I looked at him desperately. "I'll do anything. ANYTHING you want." I said in my best begging voice.

"Come on, just get ready, we're leaving in ten." He said, kissing my cheek.

"Thank you so much. I love you." 

I threw some clothes in a bag and grabbed my charger and other essentials. I changed into black leggings and a purple hoodie with black Vans. Off to NC again.

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