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The first day of senior year sucked more than I planned. As exhausted as I was now all I wanted was a long walk on the beach as the waves crash against my feet. Nothing was more relaxing than the sound of the ocean and just knowing exactly how vast it is. I love living twenty minutes from the beach even as hectic as the coast is during the summer I wouldn't change a thing. I love the east coast but my dream is to move to LA.

After a short twenty minute drive I arrived at the beach, it was empty. Oh, how I love seeing the beach empty and off season. The ocean was peaceful and just as beautiful as walways. I quickly parked the car and headed down to the soft sand. I let the sad warm my now bare feet. Normally I'd walk with my best friend, Zoey Hickman but she was busy. 

I shook off the anxiety growing in my stomach and began walking down the beach. I contiplated sleeping here considering I really didn't want to see my father. I crashed in the lifeguard shack that's down the beach quite often when my father was in a mood. The lifeguards loved me considering I worked for them during the summer. Once they saw my bruised skin they understood my need for an escape. 

After walking for a few minutes I decided since no one was on the beach I was safe to go into my own little world. I plugged in my headphones into my phone and closed my eyes for a moment. One of my favorite songs quickly came on, a idea popped into my head. I should pretend to be in a music video. I couldn't stop the smile forming on my lips as the slow beat began playing. Slowly I let the lyrics slip out as I began walking again. 

"When the sun had left and the winter came
And the sky thought to only bring the rain
I sat in darkness
All broken hearted
I couldn't find a day I didn't feel alone
I never meant to cry, started losing hope
But somehow baby
You broke through and saved me"

I slowly stopped and sat down in the sand, allowing myself to fully relax. I continued to sing softly with my eyes closed as I settled down and found an inner peace. 

"You're my saving grace, you're my kind of church
You're holy,"
I sang softly as I finished the song. As a new song began to play I heard loud clapping. I could stop the blush growing on my cheeks. I turned red as a tomato and pulled out my earbuds to see who was listening to me sing. 

"Wow Madison," Ashton said and continued to clap. My face fell before I cleared it of any emotions. "I certainly didn't think you'd have a voice like that," he said, looking me up and down for a second time. A smirk found it's home on his face as his eyes lingered on my chest for a moment too long. 

"That's a nice compliment for someone whose such an asshole, I didn't know you'd be capiable of something like that," I respond rather fast. "Anyways, suppose I better go, it's rather dark."

"Whatever," Ashton said and began walking down the beach again. I turn around and begin walking again. I was about to put my headphones back on when I hear Ashton scream my name. The scream was so loud I feared he'd loose his voice. But when I realize why he was screaming I screamed just as loud. 

"Ashton! Why did you scream that loud? You're going to lose you voice dumbass." 

"I'm the dumbass? You almost stepped on a giant ass crab! You stupid slut!" Ashton said, coming back over to me so we didn't have to shout over the distance. Ashton's voice was already hoarse. I didn't have a comeback so I decide to continue my journey to the lifeguard shack. I don't need that stupid asshole.

"Why do you always run away from your problems, Matts?" Ashton asked as I now realized the boy was following me. I stopped dead in my tracks at his words.

"What did you just say?" I asked with a shaking voice.

"Why do you always run away from you problems?" He asked again, louder this time.

"You-you said Matts..." I say, my voice tremboling. I felt bile rise in my throat. 

"Matts, that's right. You heard me though, why not answer the question?" He asked with a evil smirk. My breathing grew uneven and thoughts swirled in my heard. How could he know? As he realized the effect the words had on me his smirk grew to a smile. "Oh, Matts, does that hurt?" He asked as a curel chuckle escaped his mouth.

"Stop calling me that!" I screamed as tears threatened to fall.

"Matts doll, how do you think Jason would feel about you yelling at me?" He asked withh an evil smile. That's all it took for the tears to begin rolling down my face. Something unreadable flashed through his eyes but I didn't take the time to question it. 

"Fuck you, Ashton," I whispered before literally running. I ran as fast as my legs would take me in the sand. I needed to get out of there, I needed to get away from that nickname, that pain, I needed to get out of the hell I'm living in. As soon as I was alone in the lifeguard shack sobs began escaping my frail body. I couldn't stop all the pain from suffocating me. I sobbed until I was beyond exhausted. Once I could stop the memories from flooding back and the crying I fell into a deep sleep.

So much for a relaxing beach evening. 

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