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I let out a deep sigh as I stand outside of the police statement. I'd just finished giving all my statements, the police allowed me to wait after seeing the state I was in. I was a complete wreck. I've been a wreck for like a wekk though, and that was before my father even showed up.

As soon as I get back to Camerons's apartment I'm going to pack up. I still can't call it home, I'm not sure if I'll ever find a place to call home. Other than maybe Zoey's house, but even that place no longer feel's like home. She's not even my best friend anymore. That fact somehow hurts worse than my dad and any of his horrid abuse. I miss her far more than I ever thought I would. Maybe I should head back to North Carolina for a little bit. I need to make everything right with her. I don't think I can live without my best friend for much longer.

As soon as I walk into the apartment I can sense something is different. Cameron met me by the door, blocking the view of the living room.

"Hey Madison, there is this girl in the living room. Her name is Zoey, Zoe or something and she said it took forever to find you so you better get your ass in there and say hi to her? Also what are you doing, are you packing? You can't leave, I like having you here.  And you told me you'd never leave me," He explained with a frown.

"Cameron, you're not kidding right? So help me if this is a joke you'll be dead!" I said rushing past him, also ignoring his question about packing.  In the doorway there was Zoe in cut off shorts and a cute top that I gave her. I jumped in her arms, both of us letting tears fall.

"Oh my gosh! I missed you so much!!" Zoey screamed into my ear. Hugging me as tight as she possibly could.

"Can't breath. Dying."

"AHhh, I'm so sorry but I'm just so excited to see you."

"What's going on?" Cameron asked, looking extremely confused.

"This is my best friend, Zoey. Well... ex best friend." I explained, looking at Zoey. Her happy expression gone. If she actually expected me to forgive her just like that then she's dumber than I give her credit for.

"Hi Zoey." Cameron smiled at her.

"Hi, sorry I don't know your name."

"Cameron or Cam." Zoey smiled.

"Madison, can we talk?" Zoe asked me, turning away from Cameron. "Alone."

"I get that I'm not wanted." Cam said and headed to his room. "I'm here if you guys need me."

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