he needs to know

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Dan's P.O.V

"DAN, DAN, DAN!" I woke up when i heard Phil screaming at me. "Dan are you okay, you were screaming in your sleep. Were you having a nightmare?"

"I'm fine, I guess I was having a nightmare." I looked down at the floor trying to remember what had happened that made me scream and then it came back to me, I was dreaming about Phil.

"What was your nightmare about, if you don't mind me asking?" He asked as he sat down on the end of my bed.

"I-I can't remember." I said quickly knowing that I was lying but I can't let him know that I was dreaming about him.

"Okay, well it is 9 am so you need to get up anyway." He got up and walked out my room, he told me that if I remembered what had happened in my dream he would be interested to know.

I sighed and looked at the clock, it was 9 am. I then thought of my dream, it was about Phil. In my dream he was talking to me about making a new video on coming out as gay and admitting that he loves me, how I wish that was true. During the video he was talking about how loving another man wasn't a bad thing and that it was okay to be attracted to the same gender. As he was talking a person knocked at the door so he went to answer it and I followed him to the door, as he opened it and I just saw him fall to the ground and the man at the door was holding a knife with blood all over, Phil's blood all over it. I screamed and ran to Phil to see if he was alive I then realised he was dead and started screaming and that is when the REAL Phil woke me up.

I decided that the first thing I should do is write my dream down in my dream journal, lately I had been having a lot of dreams about Phil, I think it is because lately I have realised that I love him, not as friends like as in I am in love with him. I could never tell him, what if he rejected me or it ruined our friendship?! I suddenly felt really depressed, I shook my head and tried to forget about it and wrote the rest of my dream down and hid my book under my bed next to about a ton of clothes that I need to pack away.

I got up off my bed and walked to the kitchen where I saw Phil making tea, as I looked at him I got lost in his beautiful ocean blue eyes..

"Do you want some tea?" I was suddenly snapped out of the trance I was in and looked at Phil with confusion not hearing what he said.

"Dan, do you want some tea?"

"Ohh ahh, yes please."

Phil walked over to me and handed me my tea and then sat down on the couch, I sat next to him and he asked me if I was planning to make a video today. I told him that I was planning to just relax today.

"Soooo Dan, are you coming to PJ and Chris's party tonight?"

"Oh yeah I forgot about that, of course I am going." I was looking at him like he was the most handsome model in the world.

"Uhhh, Dan why are you looking at me like that?" I could see he was uncomfortable.

"OH, sorry I am just still trying to wake up." I rubbed my eyes and yawned pretending to be tired.

"That's okay."

"I am going to shower now." I got up quickly and speed walked almost running to the bathroom and closed the door quietly.

Phil's P.O.V

Dan seemed very different this morning, he was not his usual self. Maybe he was just tired, I didn't know but he did walk to the bathroom very quickly. I will talk to him when he is out of the shower.

*20 minutes later*

"Phil!" I heard Dan calling me from the bathroom.

"Yeah?" I called back.

"Uhh I forgot my towel in my room can you fetch it for me?" he sounded very shy and embarrassed.

"Sure." I laughed a little

As I entered Dan's room and it looked like a war zone, it was such a mess.

"Uhhh Dan, where am I supposed to find anything in this room of doom?"

"My towel should be near my bed..."

I sighed and looked around his bed but I couldn't find the towel, I decided he must of shoved it under his bed. I looked under his bed and saw A LOT of clothes. I saw his towel and grabbed it, as I saw a book under it I reached under his bed so I grab it. I looked at the cover and it was blank, I opened it and saw it was a dream journal/diary that was completely normal to write down your dreams. I opened it and saw my name.

"I had another dream about Phil last night, with his beautiful ocean blue eyes and perfect silky black hair.

In my dream Phil and I were dating and..."

I immediately closed that book and shoved the book back under Dan's bed and went to the bathroom opened the door just a crack and threw the towel in and ran to my room to write in my journal.

I couldn't believe what I read, does Dan like me?! What is going on? I was so confused my head started to hurt so I lay down on my bed and closed my eyes, I heard Dan getting dressed in his room and soon I was asleep.

In my dream I was all alone on an empty street, after a hour of walking around someone came out of the shadows and tried to kill me I was struggling for my life and I was so scared, just then I saw another figure. This person started to defend me and defeated the other man trying to kill me. I looked up at the figure as he turned around and saw it was Dan.

Suddenly I felt someone shaking me.

"Phil, Phil PHIIIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLL!" I felt someone slap my face.

"AHHHHHHHHHH" I screamed and saw Dan standing over me.

"Sorry. By the way we have to be at PJ and Chris's in 1 hour get up and get ready!"

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