Chapter 28

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Day 6:

Phil's P.O.V

I felt awful about yesterday, I betrayed Dan yet again. I am worthless, I don't deserve to live or to have amazing friends like Chris and Pj. Well I am not sure how amazing Pj is... But he is still my friend. I went to the office and decided to play some Mario cart, I had nothing better to do.

PJ's P.O.V

"A mistake?! What the hell!?" I paced around my room remembering what Phil said yesterday. I thought maybe he actually liked me in that way but I guess I am wrong, no Pj don't think like that of course he loves you! He wouldn't of kissed you back if he really didn't love. These thoughts made me happy, Phil will be mine and no one can stop me...

Dan's P.O.V

I decided that I should call Phil, I have been meaning to for a day. I picked up my phone and clicked call. I waited and eventually it went to voice mail, I guess he didn't want to talk to me... I felt bad for not letting him explain but he should feel worse he broke my heart by cheating on me!

I convinced myself I shouldn't feel bad, he was the one who screwed up! Not me, I didn't go kissing my one best friends.

Phil's P.O.V

I played Mario Cart for I don't know how long but it distracted me from the real world and for those glorious hours I didn't feel sad about Dan or guilty about Pj.

I needed the bathroom so I paused the game. When I got back I realized I hadn't eaten all day and it was already 2 in the afternoon. I decided to order a pizza so I took out my phone. I saw I had a missed call, it was from Dan. I can't believe I missed it. Probably the only chance I would get to talk to him again and I was to busy playing Mario Cart. I hate myself!

I fell to the floor sobbing, I just wanna talk to him. To hear his amazing voice again. I just needed to tell him the truth.

I don't love Pj and I never did, what we did was a big mistake and I was drunk.

*ring ring, ring ring*

I glanced over to my phone to see who was calling, it was Pj. I didn't want to talk to him so I just ignored it. He tried calling me a few times before stopping. I wonder what he wants.

PJ's P.O.V

Phil didn't answer the phone even after I called him 5 times. I just wanted to see how he was.

I knew he loved me even though he said he didn't, why did he have to play with my emotions like this. I hate him but I also love him, but my love for him over powers my hate for him. I want him to forget Dan and to just love me. I want Dan to leave Phil for good so I can have him.

I thought for a few hours then came up with a plan, it was evil but it is the only way to get him to be mine.

I will start tomorrow and he will be mine in no time.

I wonder what plan Pj has... Well I guess you will have to wait and see. I found inspiration at 6 this morning so here is a chapter.

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