Chapter 27

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Day 6:

Phil's P.O.V

I woke up in my bed but I wasn't alone, I wondered who it was. I rolled over to see Pj sleeping peacefully next to me. I internally freaked out, what the heck is wrong with me!? My boyfriend just left bacuse I cheated on him and now I cheated on him again!? As I continued to have a mental breakdown Pj woke up.

"Morning Phil." He said opening one eye and stretching his arms.
"Oh uhhh, morning Pj..." I didn't really know how to respond.
"Last night was fun." He said mid yawn.
"Look Pj whatever we did last night was an accident, I was really really really drunk." He didn't seem to mind.
"I know, but it was still fun..." What?
"Oh well, I think you should go now. It's almost noon..." As I got I up I realized I wasn't wearing anything, I grabbed the blanket pulling it off of Pj. He was also completely naked, I panicked and turned around. I heard Pj climb off the bed and put on some clothes.
"You can turn around now..." I turned around and he was fully dressed.
"Look Pj, I am sorry about yesterday... I don't even like you in that way, I was just really drunk and lonley." He smiled a bit but it was fake. He then turned around and I could of sworn I heard him silently cry.
"Bye!" He shouted as he closed the door.
"Bye!" I shouted back. I went to my wardrobe and put on some black skinny jeans, a plain blue button up shirt, a black sock on my left foot and a red one on my right foot. Why didn't I have matching socks?

I went to the living room and saw wine bottles lying everywhere. I cleaned up the house and sat on the couch looking through twitter.

Dan's P.O.V (finally)

I had seen all the messages from Phil and I could see he missed me, but he hurt me and I needed time away from him.

I was enjoying spending time with my family, I still hadn't told them why Phil and I fought but I had a feeling they would find out sooner or later.

I lay on the couch and I went through my phone, I saw I had a missed call from Phil. Wait why did he call me? He left me a message so I decided to listen to what he had to say.

After I listened to his message I felt awful, I felt the tears build up in my eyes and I just let them fall. I could tell he was drunk but why? Did he really miss me that much to get drunk over it? And why did he try to kill himself did I really mean that much to him? He was right I didn't give him time to explain, maybe I should call him back and hear what he has to say. I decided I would call him later if I felt like it.

I haven't been able to stop thinking about him, I loved him so much and he just broke my heart. I bet he was with Pj anyway. They probably got drunk together yesterday, I bet they are happy without me.

I misses Phil, I really did but I don't think he actually loves me. I loves him but I think he likes Pj more. He obviously loved Pj more. If I loved me he wouldn't have fallen in love with Pj. I wasn't good enough for him anyway....

Well I made a Dan's P.O.V, YAY!!! I think I will make more in Dan's P.O.V it's fun! Anyway Bye! ;)

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