Chapter 24

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Day 3:

PJ's P.O.V

I miss Phil, even though I saw him yesterday. I wonder how he is, I wonder if he actually loves me.
I walked into the kitchen and put some bread in the toaster, after I ate I messgaed Chris.
From me: "Hey Chrisy!! How is South Africa? I miss you soooooooo much! :3 Oh by the way just to let you know Dan and Phil are going through a tough patch in their relationship, but I am sure they will work it out." I sent the message knowing that they would probably not get back together. I laughed a little knowing that Phil will be mine. I felt bad doing this to Chris but I can't help my feelings, it's like a different person lives inside me and forces me to do this.
From Chris: "Hey Peej, South Africa is great just really hot like I feel like my brain is melting. Anyway, I am sorry to hear about Dan and Phil I hope they get back together they are perfect for each other." I got a little angery at his saying "they are perfect for each other" Dan didn't deserve Phil, and Phil deserved way better than Dan! THEY ARE DEFINITELY NOT PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER!
From Me: "Yeah, they really are perfect for each other..." I put my phone down and put on the TV.

Phil's P.O.V

I woke up and went straight to the living room, I wasn't hungry so I just watched some anime and cried. I missed Dan so much and I felt awful. I felt alone, I wanted Dan to come back. I thought I should call his family to ask if they knew where he was, but what if he told them and they are mad at me? I sighed and sank into the couch. I didn't want to do anything but I knew I shouldn't sit on the chouch all day and cry...
I got up and got dressed, I then walked to Starbucks. I ordered my coffee and sat down. I took out my phone and browsed the internet for a while. After about 30 of browsing and sipping coffee I put my phone down for a while and then I noticed a familiar face. She didn't notice me at first, she was busy talking to her friends. I doubt she even remembered me but when I talked to her I felt happy, she cheered me up when Dan left. I found myself staring at her, I didn't like her. After a while I saw her friends leave and tried not to look like I was watching them. I decided to just look back at my phone.
"Phil?" I looked up and saw y/n looking at me.
"Oh hey y/n, what's up?" I asked and smiled at her.
"Oh nothing much, how are you?" She sat down and we started talking. It was nice talking to her.
After talking to her for about an hour.
"Phil you seem worried, are you okay? And why is Dan taking a break from YouTube?" I felt the tears building up in my eyes and I tried fighting them back but I didn't work. I felt the tears start to roll down my cheeks and soon I sobbing. "Phil I'm sorry! I didn't mean to upset you or anything!?" I could see she felt really bad but it wasn't her fault.
"No, no it's not your fault! It's just Dan and I fought and he-he" I could finish the sentence, I felt to sad.
"You don't have to finish." She smiled at me and hugged me. I hugged her back and she smiled.
"I-I know this might sound weird but would you walk me home? You don't have to but I just don't want to be alone..." I asked as she pulled away from the hug.
"Well, sure! I will just have to message my mom and tell her I will be home late." I smiled at her response and she took out her phone. After she finished we walked back to the apartment.
When we got to the door she hugged me again.
"Y/n?" I asked a she pulled away.
"Yes Phil?" She asked.
"Would you like to stay for a while?" I knew she would probably be weirded out and leave but instead she smiled and nodded.
We sat on the couch and watched some anime. We sat in silence for a while until I broke into tears again.
"Phil what's wrong?" She asked as she hugged me.
"You have to promise not to tell anyone!" She nodded.
"Well, ever since I met Dan I have loved him like really loved him. A few weeks ago he told me he loved me and I told him I loved him to. We started dating..." The look on her face was shock but she also seemed really happy. I laughed a little at her response.
"What's so funny?" She asked tilting he head slightly.
"You just seemed so happy to know Dan and I dated." I laughed again seeing her eyes light up.
"Well I have shipped you with Dan ever since I first found your channels." She smiled. "Now please continue"
"Well then, about a day after we met Chris and Pj for coffee at Starbucks and they told us they are engaged." She looked even more happy. "Then Pj confessed he had feelings for me and he kissed me, and I-" She looked at me with sorrow in her eyes and I started to cry even more.
"You kissed him back didn't you?" She knew exactly what I was gonna say next. "Yeah... And then Pj told Dan thinking that I loved him more than Dan and told Dan we kissed and even made out. Then Dan left..." I cried in to he shoulder and I soon fell asleep.

Hey guys! I added y/n again! Yay! Anyway just to say y/n and Phil are only friends and will only be friends mainly because this is a Dan X Phil book and y/n is 14... Anyway I hope you are enjoying the book! :)

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