Chapter 16

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Phil's P.O.V (Still)

I felt terrible, I had kissed him back. I had betrayed my boyfriend and one of my best friends. What is Pj tells them? What would happen, would Dan leave me? What am I saying of course he'd leave me! I did the unthinkable, I cheated on him. I am the worst person I have EVER known... I said quietly to myself as I sat down on a bench. All I could do was sit and stare into the distance.
Sat there for a long time, at least three hours.
I was upset but I couldn't begin to imagine how Pj felt, he was in love with me and I kissed him back... Then I just ran out the door probably leaving him in tears. I wanted to die but if I did what would happen to Dan, I-I love him to much.
I walked home and saw Dan sitting on the couch.
"Hey Philly!" He got up and walked over to me, putting his arms around my neck I flinched a bit and he gave me a concerned look "are you okay?" God I really didn't want to tell him.
"Yeah my shoulders just hurt, I must have slept in a weird position..." I removed his arms and put them around my waist.
"Is this better?" He said putting his forehead against mine. I felt so guilty.
"Ugh, yeah!" I was blushing a lot even though we were dating I still got butterflies in my stomach when he touched me.
He kiss me and then pulled me into the bedroom and continued kissing me. He pushed me down onto the bed and climbed on top of me, what was he doing?
"I love you Phil." He said between kisses. "I love you to Dan." The feeling of guilt slipped away as Dan continued to kiss me .

This chapter got weird...

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