Chapter 31

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Day 9 (Wednesday) :

Phil's P.O.V

My eyes shot open, I had extreme pain in my leg. I can't remember why but I sat up and looked down seeing bandages with some blood stains. My eyes widened what the heck happened!?

I stumbled over to the kitchen and put some water in the kettle, I needed coffee and fast.

After I made my coffee I sat down on the couch sipping it. My memeories were starting to come back. Y/n was coming over later today and I had been attacked yesterday.

I walked over to the bathroom and took the bandages off, I had a deep cut in my leg but it wasn't bleeding anymore. I needed to go to the doctors before it gets infected.

I walked into the hospital and asked to see a doctor about my leg and soon I walked into the examination room.

"Hello sir, what can I do for you?" The doctor asked while walking in.
"Well I got stabbed last night and I just want to make sure it doesn't get infected." I simply stated.
"Oh well then where is the wound?" He walked over to me.
"It's on my upper leg." I said pointing to my left leg.
"Can you please remove your pants?" I felt uncomfortable and I hesitated. "Please remove your pants so I can inspect your wound." I pulled down my pants so I was left in my boxers.
He examined my wound and cleaned it, it stung like hell but I didn't care I just wanted to make sure I didn't get an infection.
"It's not infected but you will need to take some medicine for the next week." He said handing me some medicine.
"Okay thank you."
He gave me instructions on when and how many to take a day and I left.

When I got home it was around 12, I wonder what time Y/n is coming. I walked into the kitchen and made myself some food and sat on the couch playing Mario Cart. It's odd today I feel even better than yesterday even thought I was at the hospital the entire morning. (More like 2 hours).

It is now 2:15 and I am getting bored so I cleaned up the house.

*knock knock*

I got a fright when someone knocked on my door. I ran over to it and opened it, I saw y/n standing there beaming at me.

We talked for a while and she asked about Louise, I explained everything telling her I don't know why she did that.

Today was good.

Sorry for such a shitty chapter I am in a rush... Also I wrote Wednesday at the top because I thought maybe people would want to know what day it is. Okay bye!

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