Chapter 3

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I got some headache tablets and sat down in the living room. My head was spinning, did Dan really like me that way. I was so confused. I lay down and I soon fell asleep.
I woke the next day to see a pair of beautiful brown eyes looking at me.
"Hey Phil, do you want some tea?" He sounded sorry and nervous.
"Yeah, yes please." I sat up and watched Dan was to the kitchen. He was really cute but I couldn't take advantage of him, he was drunk and probably didn't know what he was doing. But it was clear he remembered what he did.
He came back into the room and handed me my tea.
"So ugh Phil I'm sorry about how I acted last night. I wasn't thinking straight."
"Dan it's fine." I gave him a reassuring smile.
"So that won't get in the way of our friendship right?"
"Oh yeah of course!"
"Soo uhhh I am gonna go record a video." He got up and left the room.

Dan's P.O.V

I left the room cursing myself for not telling him it was the truth, I did really love him. I have loved him ever since I first saw him, his beautiful black hair and ocean blue eyes were sooooo dreamy. I wasn't really gonna record a video I was gonna ly on my bed regretting my decisions and probably figure out how to get over Phil.
I stayed in my room the entire day.
"Dan are you okay?" Phil knocked on my door.
"Uhhh yeah, I'm just feeling a little sick." I wasn't really sick I was just upset about last night.
"Do you want me to bring you some medicine?" He was such a good friend, what would I do without him?
"Ye-Yes please." I wanted to tell him how I felt. I heard him walk to the kitchen.
I loved him so much. I thought I could get over him but it was impossible, I loved him to much. He was the best thing that ever happened to me. I had to tell him how I feel, if he was a good friend he would understand even if he rejected me.
I looked up and saw Phil walk into the room. He handed me the medicine and some water.
"Thanks." I said talking the pills from him.
"No problem, it's what friends do."
"Phil we, we need to talk."
"What, about what?"
"Phil, about last night, I am sorry but I actually do love you." I had finally gathered the guts to tell him, I didn't break eye contact the entire time.
"Dan I, I don't know what to say."
"Look Phil I understand you don't feel the same way, I just needed to tell you how I really felt. Please I don't want this getting in the way of our friendship."
"Dan I never said I don't fell the same way."

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