Chapter 35

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Day 13 Sunday:


"MOM I AM BACK!" I shouted as I walked through the front do noor.
"OH MY GOD DAN! WHY DID YOU LEAVE WHERE DID YOU GO!?" She hugged me tightly and I hugged back.
"I, I will explain. Just let me take a shower first." She nodded and I walked up to the shower.

I went to my room first and dumped my bag. I walked to the bathroom and switched on the shower. I got in once I felt the temperature was good enough. I felt the warm liquid drizzle down my back, I felt relaxed. I have completely forgotten about Phil and Pj and a anything else on my mind. I love taking showers.

When I got out the shower I got changed into some pajamas and walked back to my Mom. I sat down on the couch next to her.

"Sweety, please tell me what happened." She smiled at me but I could tell she was hurting.
"Okay, so a few days ago I found out that Pj was saying bad things about Phil to all of our friends. He has convinced our friend Louise that he was saying bad things about her and he was teasing me and that's why I left. Anyway I called Pj to tell him to stop but he made me feel guilty and like it was ALL my fault. I got into an argument with him and I ended up crying and that's when you came in. Then when dad died I felt it was all my fault. If I had just told you guys 10 years ago when I found out... I then left to go confront Pj in person to tell him to stop. We ended up in a huge argument and I might of stabbed him in the arm. I then ran away. I completely understand if you want to kick me out." I said standing up. I was about to walk to my room when she grabbed my hand and pulled me into a hug.
"Listen to me... no matter what you do I will always love you." I get warm liquid hit my shoulders and realized she is crying. I hugged her back tightly.
"Thank you." I smiled at her as she pulled away.
"You must really love him."
"What do you mean?" I am slightly confused
"Well you were prepared to do anything to make sure he is happy." She smiled at me.
"But I was prepared to kill for him!" I burst out in year realizing what I could have done, what I was prepared to do.
"I know, I know. But you didn't kill him. You had the self control not to kill him. You might of hurt him but you didn't kill him." She smiled at me warmly. How can she smile? I did something terrible and she still loves me?
"How can you still love me after what I did?" I asked looking away.
"You're my son. You mean the world to me! Ever since your brother died I have missed you. And right now you are all I have left." I smiled at her. Wait when did my brother die?!
"Wait when did Adrian die?" I asked completely shocked, he is alive and I know it. No one ever told me he died.
"Don't you remember? You spoke at his funeral..." She told me but I knew this can't be true.
"NO! THAT CANT BE REAL!" I stepped away from my mom. She has to be joking, but why would she joke about this?
"It is I am sorry. Now that I think of it I miss him so much..." I just started at her and ran up to my room. I hate everything around me. I just want this suffering to be over. I know what I have to do...
"Mom! " I called. I was going to tell her I am going to a therapist. I know you thought I am going to kill myself. There was no response.
"MOM!" I called again. Still no response. Did I do something?
"MOM!!" Okay now I am worried. I slowly walked downstairs
"Mom..." I walked into the kitchen. I saw some red liquids running in between the tiles. I followed the stream and saw a pool of blood surrounding my mother's body. I fell to the floor and called the police.

After a few moments they arrived and told me to wait outside. I did as I was told.
I sat on the lawn in front of the house and cried.
"Excuse me. Mr.Howell?" I looked up and saw a police officer standing over me.
"Y-yes?" He handed me a note and I took it a bit confused.
"She handed us this note. Just to let you know she is still alive but will not make it. She has about 20 minutes if you would like to speak to her and say goodbye just come inside..." I thanked him and he walked off.

"Dear Dan.
Sweety I am so sorry but talking about Adrian made me to sad to continue. I just want to be with your father and brother... I am so sorry I have put you through this but please look after her... If they save her. Please make sure they save her!
I love you. Take care of yourself."

What did she mean by her? OH GOD. I stood up in such a hurry I almost fell over again. I ran inside to the paramedics and they looked at me slightly confused.
"Slow down there tiger. She still has about 15 minutes. Oh God sorry! I didn't mean to say that!" He looked so angry with himself but I didn't care right now.
"Okay, you are forgiven. Can she talk?" The shook their heads. Shit!

I ran over to her, she was breathing lightly and her heartbeat was faint. Yes I checked her heartbeat don't judge! I knelt down next to her and took her hand in mine.
"D-" she tried to speak but I put my finger on her lips.
"It's okay mom you don't have to talk. Just blink 1 time for yes and 2 times for no. Okay?" I looked over at her and she slowly blinked. "Okay good. Now I am going to ask some questions. Is that okay?" She slowly blinked once again. I don't want to do this. I just want to burst out crying and big her until... No Dan you need to know! I need to stay strong, for mom!
"Okay, by her did you mean a baby?" She blinked once. Okay so now I know something. "Is it your baby?" I am worried. What if it is dead!? She slowly blinked once. Oh God. "Are, are you pregnant?" Again she blinked once. Oh gosh! "Is it still alive?" She did something unexpected. She blinked three times. What does that mean? "Mom what does three blinks mean?" I asked, wait she can't understand me.
"I think it means she doesn't know... We need to get the baby out of her before it dies! Mr. Howell if we do this it means she dies now." I felt the tears build up in my eyes.
"Mom is that what you want?" I said letting the tears roll down my cheek and gently hit hers. She slowly blinked once. "I PROMISE MOM! I WILL LOOK AFTER HER UNTIL I BREATH MY VERY LAST BREATH! SHE WILL BE LIKE A DAUGHTER TO ME! I WILL PROTECT HER WITH ALL MY MIGHT!" I said as I broke down crying. I will protect her no matter what.
"Th-thank you, Dan." That's the last thing I heard before a high pitched noise pierced my ears. I looked over to the paramedics who were holding a healthy looking crying baby. God she is beautiful.
I heard a loud deep breath and looked back at mom. She wasn't breathing anymore.
"GET SOME BLANKETS OVER HERE!" I heard one of the female paramedics yell.
A few moments later I felt a soft fabric around my shoulders. I looked up to see a paramedic placing a soft blanket over my shoulders.
"Thank you." I mumbled. But it was loud enough for her to hear and she smiled at me.
"Would you like to hold her?" I nodded and they handed me my sister. She was the cutest thing I have ever seen. She wasn't even crying anymore. She was playfully sucking her thumb and it made me giggle a little.
"What are you going to call her?" I looked at the paramedic with a look of confusion plastered on my face.
"You are looking after her right?" I nodded "then you get to name her." Oh yeah. I looked down at her, she was amazing. I feel like I should name her after something mom liked. I know!
"I would like to name her, Autumn." It was moms favourite season.
"We should get you two to the hospital. Ya know get her sorted and make her name official." I nodded and we walked to the ambulance.

When we got to the hospital they took her to a room to give her medication or something like that.
"Excuse me. Sir?" I turned around to see a shortish blonde nurse behind me.
"Can I help you?" I asked politely.
"Are you her father?" She asked me. I only noticed now that she had a clip board in her one hand.
"No, her father and mother are dead. I am her brother. I am going to be raising her." I am sad mom and dad are gone but overjoyed at the fact that I now have a sister.
"I'm sorry. Well since you are her guardian you have to name her. Here." She handed me the clipboard and I saw I had to write her name down.

Name: Autumn Cathira Howell. (if u don't know how to say the middle name ignore it but it is pronounced Ca-Theer-A. It's a name I made up. I couldnt think of anything else!)

I signed the papers and gave it back to her.
"Autumn, what a pretty name. It suites her." She smiled and walked away. I took a seat in the waiting room and so fell asleep.

Hey guys so shit went down in this chapter! Wow! And this is why it's taken me like 2-3 days to update. I had to gather up a lot of emotional strength to kill off Dan's entire family. Oh wait I didnt! just when you thought all of Dan's family was dead he suddenly got a sister... This is a little weird don't you think?
Anyway hope you enjoyed!
Bye! :3

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