Chapter 4

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Phil's P.O.V
"Phil what are you saying?" Can he not take a hint!?
"Dan what I am saying is I love you to!"
"Let me make this simple I. LOVE. YOU!"
He looked shocked but happy. I couldn't even smile before he pressed his lips to mine. We shared a log kiss, this was wonderful I have always loved Dan and know I found out he loved me! I never wanted this moment to end.
He broke away from the kiss for air.
"I never thought this day would come." He smiled and pressed his forehead against mine looking deeply into my eyes.
"Me neither." I loved him.
"Let's go watch a movie." He suggested.
"Yeah.. " We got up and he went to choose a movie and I went to get popcorn.
I walked back in the room and Dan was sitting on the couch with the remote in his hand.
"So what movie did you pick?" I said while sitting down next to him.
"You'll see..." He said taking a handful of popcorn.
He clicked play and that is when I realised it was a horror movie.
"DAN YOU ASS! YOU KNOW I HAATEE HORROR MOVIES!" I shouted while sleeping him on the shoulder.
"Hey what is I want you to leap into my arms." He said giving me a cheecky smile.
"Shut up!" I snuggled into them and we watched the movie.
I started to get really scared and practically leaped into his arms. He looked down at me and smiled.
We finished the movie and I went to bed. I could hear Dan on his phone in his room. I wanted to sleep but I was to scares from the dam movie. I decided to go to Dan.

Dan's P.O.V
I was on my phone when I saw Phil sneak into my room.
"What are you doing sneaking around?" I put down my phone and looked at Phil.
"Well I'm scared, that movie scared the shit otta me!" He walked over to the side of my bed.
"Come here!" I invited him to come snuggle. He got under the douvet with me and cuddled up to me.
"You are amazing Dan, you know that?"
"I know Phil, I know." I said kissing him on his forehead.
"I love you Dan..."
"I love you to, how about tomorrow we go get coffee at StarBucks?" I started running my had through his hair
"Yeah that sounds nice." He yawned and soon fell asleep. I also fell asleep soon after him.

Sorry for the short chapter. I haven't had much time.

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