Chapter 34

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Day 12 Saturday:

Dan's P.O.V

I stared out the window of my hotel room, I came here for a reason and I haven't done anything about it yet. I am leaving tomorrow so I need to do something today... I got up and took a shower, I didn't feel sad right now. I know that sounds like I don't have a heart but Dad and I weren't that close so I am not that upset. I was more upset when I found out Phil cheated on me. I got out the shower and put on some clean clothes. I put my hoodie on again cause ya never know when someone might recognise you...

I started to walk down the street and I could feel someone was watching me but every time I turned around no one was there and I looked crazy... I was going to Pj, I need to knock some common sense into that twat. It would be fine if I went as long as Pj doesn't tell Phil. I soon reached the park that was half way from the hotel and Pj's house. I stopped and looked at it, I had some time so I decided to go inside and walk around. I remember walking here with Phil even before we were dating... I miss him so much and I do feel bad about leaving but it is his fault if he hadn't kissed Pj this would never of happened, my Dad wouldn't be dead... Now that I think of it, it's all Phil's fault... Right now I have mixed feelings for Phil, I love him but I also hate him... But do I love him more than I hate him?
I found a quiet bench and sat down, there weren't a lot of people around so I could think out loud. 'Why did he have to die? Why didn't I stop him when he started to leave? Why didn't I tell him 10 years ago? I hate myself!!!!!' I thought out loud and people started looking at me like I was insane.

"Excuse me sir." I looked up and saw the girl from yesterday standing in front of me. I quickly realised she had been with Phil and I hid my face so she wouldn't recognise me.
"What?" I answered sounding a little ruder than I intended.
"Sorry if I am bugging you but my friend and I were wondering if you-" mshe was cut off when Phil came up behind her.
"We were just wondering if you were eavesdropping on our conversation yesterday..." Ah jeez Phil is talking to me... He doesn't recognise me but as soon as I talk he will recognise my voice.
"No I wasn't sorry if it seemed that way." I said in a deep voice while doing an American accent.
"Oh well sorry to bug you ." Phil said in slightly cheerful tone but I could tell he was upset...
"Oh well um sorry if this sounds rude but are you okay? You look really down." How did she know
"No, my dad died yesterday..." I answered truthfully.
"I'm so sorry to hear that! Oh you poor thing!" She hugged me and left giving me her phone number saying if I need to talk to someone I should call her. I accepted and said I would.

I have wasted enough time here I need to do what I came here to do. I walked over to Pj's and knocked on the door. When he opened he looked shocked but invited me in anyway.

"Pj I came here for a reason. You need to stop this. You can't always have what you want. You already have Chris, don't you love him?" He looked angry as fuck. I am actually scared of him when he is like this... "Like you're one to talk. Do you love Phil? Cause i am sure if you did you wouldn't have stormed away like that! Dan what the hell is wrong with you?! You left him sad and hurt, you left me to fix all your problems!" Pj sounded very angry and now I am really scared! "SHUT UP PJ!" I shouted but it didn't bother him. "So now you're telling me to shut up? You could of stopped all of this you know that. If you had just let Phil explain this would never have happened. The only way you are going to get me to stop is by coming back for good." He smiled evilly and walked into the kitchen and I followed him. "I can't come back. I just can't. And Phil will never forgive me in any case." I said admitting how I felt. "Why can't you come back? WHY DAN WHY?!" I cant tell him. "None of your business!" I snapped at him "I think you are scared. You are to afraid to confront Phil, you are to scared he'll reject you." "SHUT UP OR YOU WILL REGRET IT!" I shouted at him. "Is little Danny-Boy gonna hurt me?" He teased me and I got so pissed at picked up a knife and stabbed him in his right arm. "ARGH DAN WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" He screamed and I realized what I had done. I pulled the knife out of him and threw it to the floor. I cant believe I just did that to my 'friend'. I screamed and ran out the apartment, my face was drenched in tears as I ran down the hallway. Why am I suck a terrible person? I only ever cause people pain and suffering...

As I was running I ran straight into someone. I looked and saw Phil, oh god please don't notice me. I shoved past him before he could process what had happened, hopefully he didn't see my face. I ran back to the hotel and left. I went back to the station and was soon on my way to Manchester. I hope Pj doesn't tell Phil or the police what i did....

PJ's P.O.V

Dan ran out after the dropped the knife, did I really push him so far that he resorted to violence? I have never seen Dan act that way. I heard footsteps then saw Phil in the hallway. We had arranged to go out to the movies as 'friends'.

"OH MY GOD! PJ WHAT HAPPENED?!" he rushed over to me and pointed at my arm. I could tell him but it would be more fun to mess with him.

"Well Dan contacted me and told me to kill myself. He said some really horrible things... I hated it and the worst thing is that those things are true so I..." I lied wanting to see his reaction


After we left the hospital Phil offered to stay with me so he could help and stuff.

This book keeps getting weirder and weirder... Anyway hope you enjoyed!

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