Chapter 39. The End Part 1

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Day 17 Thursday:

Phil's P.O.V

Chris is coming in like 1 day or tomorrow evening. He is gonna be staying in my room and I'll take Dan's, I am not comfortable with anyone but me and Dan sleeping in his bed.

I need to get some more supplies though. Like toothpaste, cereals, chocolate, deodorant and stuff like that. Also maybe I should clean the house a little. It's a mess. Ever since Dan left I haven't wanted to do anything and I normally hate cleaning so there was no way the house would stay clean.

I guess I'll go to the shops then, I really don't feel like cleaning up... yet.

I grabbed my phone and wallet and headed out the door. Later today y/n and I are going to hang out at my place so I have to be quick so I can also tidy the place up a bit.

I walked to the shops and went in. I got what I needed and started walking home, on my way home I passes Louise's house. I wonder if she is home. I know she wasn't yesterday. I might as well explain some things... I know she hates me.

I walked up to the door and knocked on it.

"Louise someone is at the door!" I heard someone yell, it sounded like... no it couldn't be.

"Argh Dan why can't you answer it!?" Wait what did she say. Is Dan in there? I can't do this. I started running and just kept running.

I ran all the way back to the apartment. Is Dan in Louise's house? Why is he there? Why didn't he tell me!? He probably hates me... that's why. I just burst into tears.

Dan's P.O.V

I heard someone knock on the door and I wasn't in any mood to get off the couch and answer it.

"Louise someone is at the door!" I yelled.
Wait that was a bad idea! What if the was Phil!? Oh god I am screwed!

"Argh Dan why can't you answer it!?" She screamed back.

"Because I am scrolling Tumblr. !" I yelled again.

"Yeah well I am taking care of YOUR baby!" God dammit she has a point! I guess I'll get the god damn door!

"Fine! I'll get the door!" I yelled before getting up and walking to the door.

I opened it and saw nothing. Great so it's just some kids playing 'ding dong ditch the door'.

I walked back in and saw Louise and Autumn sitting on the couch.

" so Dan who was at the door?" She asked while bouncing Autumn in her arms.

"No one. Someone obviously rang the door bell and ran for it." I said while picking my laptop up and going onto YouTube.

As I scrolling I noticed Phil hasn't uploaded since I left. I guess this has been hard for him as well. But it is kind of his fault. But it is also mine. I should have let him explain. I feel awful! I need to tell him I am sorry, I need to tell him I was wrong for just leaving like that!

I leapt off the couch and ran to my phone in the kitchen. I grabbed it and quickly called Phil's number.

As it was ringing I was walking around the kitchen impatiently waiting for him to pick up. Louise came in and asked what I was doing but I just shoshed her.

"H-hello Dan?" I heard Phil's beautiful voice, it sounded like he has been crying. Oh god what if it was him at the door.

"H-hi Phil." I don't know what to say. I haven't spoken to him in 17 days.

"Uh h-how are you?" He asked. I can hear he is shocked and upset. At least he is talking to me.

"I- you know what? I am not good not at all. I miss you and I am sooo sooo sorry!" I said all in one go.

"Y-you don't need to be sorry for anything..." he is so wrong.

"No you are wrong Phil. I have everything to be sorry for." I said simply knowing it was the truth.

"Look Dan I gotta go. Um bye." He didn't even give me a chance to say bye.

I broke down into tears. I love him so god damn much!

Phil's P.O.V

I just ended the call with Dan. I feel bad. I can't do this.

I called Y/n and said that I had to cancel cause I am sick. I hope she believed me.

I lay down on Dan's bed and grabbed one of his pillows hugging it. I miss him so much!

Dan's P.O.V

I can't just let that be it. I need to talk to Phil. To apologise! I went up into my 'room' and pulled out my suit case. I violently rummaged through it until I found what I was looking for.

"LOUISE I AM GOING OUT! I WILL BE BACK LATER!" I yelled as I walked out the door.

I then started running, yes running. I ran all the way back to 'my' flat with Phil.

Once I got there I checked if the door was open. Nope it's locked. I reached into my pocket and grabbed the key that I got out of my suit case. I unlocked the door quietly and walked in, I walked around a little. THIS PLACE IS A MESS! then I heard silent cries coming from upstairs. It must be Phil!

I quietly walked up the stairs and checked Phil's room first. He wasn't there. I then looked in my room and on my bed was Phil, curled up in a little ball hugging one of my pillows and crying.

I walked in and sat on the end of the bed, noticing something on the bed with him he looked up at me.

"D-dan? What are you doing here?" He asked while sitting up and wiping away the tears on his cheek.

"I came here to apologise."I said moving a little closer to him.

"For what? I was the one who screwed up." He said looking down at my pillow on his lap.

"Everything. I am sorry I never let you explain, I am sorry I just stormed out and left you, I am sorry for hurting you and I know you probably hate me but please just let me back in your life. I will do anything!" I begged. I need Phil back in my life I miss him to much.

"Dan there is only one thing you need to do." He said looking back up at me.

"ANYTHING!" I responded

"Please just wake up." He said quietly but I heard him.

"What do you mean?" I asked but he seemed to be frozen. " Phil I don't understand! What do you mean wake up!?" I said shaking his shoulders but he still didn't respond. Suddenly everything went black.

Hey guys! If you didn't read the title this is the second last chapter! I know sad... anyway I would like to dedicate this Chapter to one of my BFF'S Catherine. She has inspired me to write a book and has motivated me well has screamed at me everyday at school to update. I would also like to wish her a very happy Birfday (I know I spelled it wrong).

Anyway I hope you have a great day or night... whenever you are reading this.

Bye! ;3


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