Chapter 30

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Day 8:

Phil's P.O.V

I didn't sleep the entire night, I had just probably lost one of my best friends. I cried for a long time, this really isn't easy. I just lost my boyfriend a week ago and now I lost my friend. How could my life get any worse?

I walked into Dan's room and looked around, his bed was starting to build up dust and so was his desk. I miss him so much, I miss him screaming at the television at 3 in the morning or when he came into my room bragging about how he leveled up his Guild Wars 2 character.
I left his room and went to mine, I opened my laptop and saw Louise had tweeted something about me.

Louise: @amaingphil you are a true asshole! Hope you are having a bad day!

I sighed as I went through the comments of people asking why she did this.

I closed my laptop after watching Dan's old videos for 5 hours- I know super productive! I had nothing to do so I decided to record a video.

I set up my camera and pressed record.

"Hey Guys!" I waved at the camera trying my best to smile, after a while I gave up.
"Guys I need to be honest, I am really going through a though patch in my life right now... I am fighting with two of my closest friends. I just thought I should you. Also I am gonna take a break, I just need space. I will be back I promise..
Just maybe in 2 months. Well bye!!" I switched off my camera and fell back onto the bed.

I missed him so much, I wonder what he is doing right now...

Dan's P.O.V

I didn't plan on doing anything today so I opened my laptop. First I went onto Twitter cause I love it and wanted to see if my friends have tweeted anything.

Louise: @amazingphil you are a true asshole! Hope you are having a bad day!

Why on earth would Louise say that? Did Phil do something? Well did he do something except for breaking my heart? I closed Twitter, I needed to play something to get everything off my mind. I looked over all my games and settled on Guild Wars 2, who doesn't love that game?

I was playing for a while when I saw someone from my guild wanted to do a quest together. I wasn't gonna say no cause I love playing with other people I will probably never meet.

(Your user name) Y/U/N: Hi!!!
Danisnotonfire: Hello.
Y/U/N: are you the real Danisnotonfire? Please tell me the truth?
Danisnotonfire: yes I am the real Danisnotonfire. Why do you ask?
Y/U/N: Oh no reason, so you wanna do this quest or what?!
Danisnotonfire: HELL YEAH!!

We finished the quest and he or she logged out I am not sure if it is a boy or girl but it is 14- I know that.

Phil's P.O.V

My phone started ringing and I looked over to it and saw y/n calling. I was scared to answer. I wonder what she heard about me.

"Look y/n whatever you heard it's not true!" I said as I answered the phone.
"Phil what the heck are you talking about?"
"Oh nothing!" I quickly said
"Well anyway I just finished a quest with Dan."
"Wait what did you say?" I questioned her.
"How is he? Where is he? Is he okay, did I really hurt him?" I questioned her hoping she would know.
"Sorry Phil, I didn't ask. I thought if he knew I knew you he would stop playing with me... Next time I see him I will ask I promise." I was disappointed, I wanted to know how Dan was, how he was feeling...
"Thanks y/n, you are a really good friend." I really owe her.
"No problem, look Phil I have to go my mom is calling me." I wanted to talk more but if she had to go she had to go.
"Wait y/n would you wanna come over tomorrow?" I asked hoping she heard me.
"Phil I have school, but maybe after I could come round for a little bit..."
"That would be great! Do you still remember where I live?"
"Yup, see ya tomorrow! Bye!"

I decided to go out tonight, I felt slightly happy.

I walked around for a while not doing anything just walking and thinking. I eventually found a StarBucks so I went in and ordered a muffin and coffee, I know super amazing dinner!

On my way home I was pulled into an alley not so far from my house.

The person who grabbed me pushed me to the back of the alley and took out a knife.

"Please don't hurt me!!" I said shaking as the figure came closer.
"Alright I won't but give me all your money!" He said raising the knife.
"Okay, okay here!" I handed him all the money I had with me, he smiled and turned away.
I sighed in relief but then felt a shooting pain in my left leg. Looking down I saw he had thrown the kinfe at me and it hit me in my upper leg. I pulled it out and put my hand over it trying to stop the bleeding. I struggled to walk but I eventually home. I went to the kitchen and grabbed bandages from the cupboard. I took my hand off the wound and it was covered in blood but the bleeding seemed to have stopped. I wrapped my leg with the bandage and lay on the couch.

Why was this month so bad!? I thought to myself as I drifted off to sleep.

Hey guys! Hope you are enjoying this and I hope you like the fact the y/n is in the story. She is gonna be a friend of Phil's who helps him a lot in the future!


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