Chapter 37

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Day 15 Tuesday : this chapter might be all over the place, what I mean by that is I might keep switching P.O.V's...

Louise's P.O.V (didn't see that coming do ya?!)

Dan is coming to visit today!!! Yay! I have no idea how long he is staying but he said he's bringing a baby with him! I LOOOOVVVVEEE babies so I can't wait. He said he would be coming at lunch time so I have to clean the house and prepare the spare room in 3 hours. I can do that!

Dan's P.O.V

"Mr.Howell?" I opened my eyes and looked at the nurse in front of me. "You and Autumn can go home now." I smiled at her before she walked away. I walked up to Autumn and smiled at her.
"Well Autumn looks like we better get going. I can't wait for you to meet Louise! Or for her to meet you!" I smiled as I picked up her up.

After we got out the hospital I headed straight for the train station. I got onto the train and held Autumn in my arms, as soon as we get to Louise's I will need to go out and buy some baby supplies.... I cant leave her in the same nappy for the rest of her life. Autumn was very quiet during the train ride, sometimes she was so quiet I had to see if she was still breathing. Luckily she is just not a loud baby otherwise some of the other passengers would've hated me. There was about 15 more minutes of the train ride when a old lady approached me.

"What a beautiful child you have. Is she your daughter?" She had a kind, gentle voice which was nice to hear.
"No, she is my sister." I said looking at Autumn who had fallen asleep half way through the ride.
"Oh isn't that wonderful! An older brother looking after his sister! Your parents must be so happy!" She smiled at me and I smiled back, it felt nice to smile at someone who wasn't Autumn.
"Yeah my parents are super happy..." I didn't want to tell her that they are dead cause I don't want to accept it. I know I should just accept it and realise it wasn't my fault but it was.... It was all my fault.
"Well I have to get back to my grandson. Goodbye." She then walked away. Next time I have human interaction I will be in London.... Hopefully.

I walked out of the train station and into London, I just hope Phil doesn't find me until I am ready.
I held Autumn in my arms and got into a taxi. I told the driver Louise's address and soon we arrived.

I walked up to her door, do I really want to do this? I don't have to stay here. I could get a room in a hotel. What if Phil finds out.... He will hate me, he will never want to see me again, I want to see him so badly but I can't.... I finally gathered the courage to knock and Louise opened the door without hesitation. She had a huge smile on her face. It feels good to see my friends smile.

"OMG Dan! It's so good to see you! IS THAT THE BABY?!" She almost shouted and pointed at Autumn who had awoken from the noise.
"Yes her name Autumn." Louise scooped Autumn out of my arms and looked down at her.
"SHE'S ADORABLE!!!" At least one of my friends are happy. "You wanna come in or stand outside like an idiot?" She giggled a little before letting me in.
"Wow this is a lot neater than the last time I was here." I said and saw her roll her eyes
"well I wanted to make sure it was clean for the baby." She joked as we walked into the living room.
"Okay. Anyway how have you been?" I asked sitting down.
"Good. Just worried about you. How have you been?" She didn't look at me once that entire sentence, just at Autumn. I guess she really likes her.
"I- I'm fine. Just a lot of stuff has happened lately..." I sighed and looked over at Autumn.
"Oh. Well any case how did you get a baby? Did ya meet a girl?" She said wiggling her eyebrows.
"Louise you do know it takes more than 14 days to get pregnant and have a baby." I said sarcastically.
"Yes Dan I know. That's not what I meant. Anyway just tell me." She whined.
"Autumn is my sister." I said simply. She looked at me very confused.
"How? And why is she with you?"
"Well babies are made by two people having s-"
"WHOAH DAN THAT'S DEFINITELY NOT WHAT I MEANT! anyway why is she with you?" I guess I can't keep this a secret forever.
"M-my mom. Sh-she d-died" I said choking back the tears.
"It's my fault it's all my fault." Was all I could say. I could only speak the truth, it felt wrong lying to my friends.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" She asked in a soothing tone
I just nodded my head.

After I explained everything to Louise she told me to go to 'my' room and rest, she also said she would get all the baby supplies for me.

sorry about like not updating in like 3 weeks. School has been a pain in the ass and I have had no inspiration for this. Anyway I will try my hardest to update at lest every 3rd day so like twice a week. Anyway have a great day or night (whenever you are reading this)
BYE! :3

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