Chapter 36

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Day 14 Monday:

Dan's P.O.V

"Excuse me? Mr. Howell?" I slowly opened my eyes to see a nurse.
"Huh?" I looked over at the nurse.
"It's morning. Would you like to see Autumn?" I nodded and got up and followed the nurse into a room. I saw Autumn sleeping in the a crib in the corner.

I walked over and looked at her, she was so cute.
"You can pick her up if you want." The same nurse said.
"Okay, thanks." She then walked away.
I picked her up and held her in my arms. She was still sleeping. "I wish mom could of seen you. Oh Autumn what are we gonna do now? I would love to raise you in the house I grew up in but I need to set things straight in London. Oh you must be confused. Well here is the short story. I was dating this guy named Phil, I am sure you will meet him some day. Everything was perfect until he kissed Pj or Pj kissed him, I don't know. But then I was so sad a ran away and cane back home. I had another fight with Pj cause he was spreading nasty rumours about Phil. That's when I decided to tell mom and dad I am gay. Dad didnt take it well and he got into an accident. Then I felt it was all my fault so I went back to London to have a talk with Pj. I ended up hurting him and running back home. That's when I found out Adrian is also dead, he would of been your other brother. Then I went to my room, I didn't want to believe it was true. When I came down mom was dying on the floor. And that's when you came into the world." She slowly opened her eyes, oh she is adorable! "Well I guess we could go back to London... But I don't think I have the courage to face Phil, I broke his heart. He will never forgive me..." I started to silently cry, I have broken his heart he will never want me to be near him again...
"I am sure if you just apologize he will forgive you." I turned around and saw the nurse from before standing behind me. "Sorry I shouldn't have been listening. I am sorry for your losses. It must be hard. Anyway the doctor sent me here to tell you that you can take her home tomorrow. You are welcome to stay here over night."
"Oh yeah thanks." I smiled at her while she walked away.
"Well Autumn I have made up my mind, we are going back to London!" I said confidently. "We just need to find a place to stay. I know I will go back to the house now and pack all my stuff. Then
I will call a friend and ask to stay with them. I will be back soon." I kissed her forehead and put her down.

I walked over to the people at the front desk and told them I would be back soon.
I walked home and packed everything then headed back to the hospital.

On my way there I decided I would ask Louise if I could stay with her.

"Dan!? I haven't heard from you in ages! How are you?" She sounded happy to hear from me.
"Hey Louise, I could be better. How are you?" I asked. How am I going to ask her.
"Good, so what's up? Oh and where are you? Everyone is worried!" Wait who is everyone.
"I am in Manchester.. And what do you mean Eveyone?" Okay Dan that sounded stupid.
"Pj, Chris, Phil, Felix, Me! Seriously Dan you have disappeared for like 14 days!"
"Oh yeah, I am coming back. I just don't have a place to stay..." Great going Dan.
"You can stay with me! Oh Pj and Phil will be so happy!"
"I will come back, but you can't say a word to them! I will explain when I come back. Oh and I might be bringing someone with me... As in a baby."
"WHAT!? DAN WHY DO YOU HAVE A BABY!?" She screamed into the phone causing me to hold it away from my ear.
"It's a long story, can I tell you tomorrow?" I asked.
"So you're coming tomorrow? Okay thats okay and I won't tell them. What time you coming?"
"I don't know, maybe lunch time?" I questioned her.
"Perfect see you tomorrow!"
"Okay bye Louise."
"Bye Dan." I smiled and hung up just as the taxi got to the hospital.

I payed the driver and walked in.

I walked into Autumn's room and sat next to her.

"Well Autumn I have found us a place to stay." I smiled at her before relaxing into the chair.

I took out my laptop and checked the time. Only 15:47. Not to late. I decided to scroll through tumblr and steal as much ad the Hospitals internet as possible!

Phil's p.o.v

It's been a few days since Dan tried to get Pj to kill himself. Somehow I don't believe him, I know Dan and I don't think he would do something like that.

I have seen Pj alot lately and I can tell he still likes me, but I don't know if I like him back. I still like Dan... I think.

I really miss him and I want to see him again so badly. Just to see his face or hear his voice...

I want my Dan back...

Hey guys!

Hope you enjoyed! I have nothing else to say so bye!
Bye! :3

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