Day 1

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Her hair...Her eyes... Her scent... these where all things I could vividly remember from the night before as I stood under my porcelain shower head. I was in this drug induced state called love once more and my choice liquid to shoot up was a pretty blonde named Abby, she was skinny, her eyes where a beautiful blue which I could get lost in just by looking at them. Her chin was solid but feminine, her jawline which I left love bites on was flawless. She was perfect in every sense of the word, having sex with her was like a gift from the gods and I happily accepted it. "Baby come back to bed, I wanna be snuggled" Abby whined from the bedroom. "Coming sweetheart" I called back to her, turning off the shower I went over to the mirror to dry and comb my hair, checking myself over one last time I noticed the same old scar that bared to be a constant reminder of what happened six months ago, it ran from my shoulder down through the tattoo that covered the nasty mark on my arm. "Chase come on, I wasn't finished with you honey" Abby whispered seductively behind me, making me jump by the sudden presence of her. I turned around and kissed her lazily, earning a soft smile to play on her lips. She tugged at my wrists and led me back to bed, she slid under the duvet and I followed wrapping my arms around her slender waist. "Do you love me?" I ask her. The words leaving my lips are the same ones I've asked any girl that I've gotten this close with, usually my relationships don't last more than two too three months. But Abby seemed to like me enough to stick around for a year and a half and counting, making it one of my longest relationships ever. "Of course I do Chase, I wouldn't be here if I didn't" she says as though I should be fully aware of the fact. Truth is though, I feel me and Abby have been slipping these past couple weeks, and recently I haven't been allowed to go through her phone without her watching, although I've given her my phone without evening questioning, allowing her to go through it without me being around. "Alright, I just wanted to hear you say it is all," this was my excuse to end the conversation and to simply have comfortable silence between us. Then suddenly her phone rings "who's that calling you at one in the morning?" I ask suspiciously, waiting for her to answer me. "No one I know, probably some telemarketer," she say quickly while denying the call and then turning off her phone. I exhale slowly, careful to not make it sound like I'm irritated. I need this to work so bad with her, I don't know why I try so hard with women, it's one of my fatal flaws I guess. "Well I got work in the morning so we better go to sleep" she says dryly, not bothering to turn over and say goodnight. So I turn over and let sleep consume me, but no more than two hours later I feel Abby get out of bed. Listening intently I try to piece together what she's doing, and that's when i hear her talking to someone on the phone. "yeah... he's asleep. I know... Okay give me twenty minutes... ok, I love you." She quickly hangs up, then pads over to the closet and grabs her suitcases, packing them with all of her clothes and the rest of her belongings. Then quickly she writes something down on a piece of paper and then opens up the front door and closes it quietly. As soon as she does I get up to see what she wrote down, and there in her handwriting on a piece of paper it reads: "Chase, I'm sorry you had to find out this way but.... i found someone else, I couldn't do it in person... I'm sorry." And with that I feel my heart break and the dark side of my brain take control.

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