Part 26

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"Have you ever met Tyler Most before?" Bobby asked as she leaned against the wall next to Matt. 

They'd arrived only five minutes before to FINA and receptionist informed them that someone would be downstairs to greet them shortly. 

"Nope. My father did, once about two years ago but I wasn't around." Matt said. 

"I wonder what he's like." Bobby said, recalling how very attentive he always was over the phone.

"Do you want me to google him?" Matt asked with a grin.

"No, thank you." Bobby said seriously. "Besides, we're about to meet him- what's the point?"

"Guess you're right." Matt said with a shrug. 

Bobby had a long night- it was never easy for her to fall asleep in a strange place.  She'd tossed and turned most of the night- and she kept waking up confused about where she was. The bed was, however; very comfortable which made it even harder to get out of the it that morning. 

She was sure she looked like death and for some reason it bothered her that Matt should see her that way. 

"Good Morning." 

They both looked up and noticed a pretty young woman walking in their direction. 

"Good Morning." Matt said with a smile, moving forward and extending his hand. 

"You must be Mr. Carlton." She said, shaking it firmly before turning to Bobby. 

"Yes. This is my assistant, Robert Darling." He said as the woman extended her hand to her. 

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Annie Walsh, Mr. Most's assistant. If you two would just follow me, he's waiting for us upstairs." Annie said, turning and heading towards the elevator. 

Bobby walked quietly, noting how easily Matt seemed to speak to Annie. It wasn't unusual, Matt was always quiet at ease with new people, especially pretty women. She thought with some humor that it was a good thing Lisa didn't come, or she would be fuming. 

"This way." Annie said as they stepped off the elevator. 

Bobby looked around the open floor of FINA- she'd read up on it before coming and knew that the 30 or so employees she saw right now were nothing compared to their total number, which was closer to 28,000 employees. She also read that Tyler Most, the company's current President and CEO had bought the company out from the previous owners, who had retired to Eastern Europe. Tyler had then split the company in two, sold half and redesigned the part he kept... and all of this before she was even in high school. 

Now, she was about to meet the man himself. She looked around, noting the laid back atmosphere and that large amount of young people who were employed there. FINA was also famous for it's company culture which instilled the idea of 'playing' into everyday life, which was why she wasn't surprised by the area in the back with several chairs, a giant TV and a PlayStation. 

Annie stopped at a large double door down the center of the floor and tapped her fist light against it. 

"Come in." The words were barely audible as Annie pushed the doors open. 

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