Part 28

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"Bobby! Wait!" 

Bobby stomped her way down the hall, not turning back once to Matt who was trying to keep up with her. For someone so small, she could sure move quickly. Maybe it was her anger, she seemed to fly across the hotel lobby when she finally got back 

Matt had run off when he saw Bobby noticed him but he knew he'd get an earful when she got back. Bobby was certainly not one to bite her tongue. Instead, she'd only scowled at him, rolling her eyes in the typical Bobby fashion when she spotted him in the lobby and ignoring him as he followed her into the elevator. 

"Bobby- Listen..." He'd begun once the elevator doors closed but she'd put up her hand.

"I don't need your explanation, I don't care for it. This is too much, Matt. Too much. Spying on me? Are you fucking kidding me? No. No more. If I even reconsidered for a second staying on as your assistant, you can be damned sure I'm completely convinced not to at this point." She spat the words out so quickly they hardly made sense. 

When the elevator doors opened, she quickly jolted away from him down the hall and now she fumbled around her bag, trying to find her room key. 

"Bobby, would you just stop for a second and talk to me?" He asked, standing next to her and watching her search.

"No." She said simply, cursing herself for having such a big bag with her.  

"Bobby..." he began, trying to get her to listen to him but she exploded.

"Just shut up, Matt." She said, shaking her head in frustration. "Where the hell is it?"

Matt sighed and took the bag out of her hands, surprising her. She watched as he reached his hand in, feeling around and then handed it back to her, key in the other hand. 

"You're welcome." He said, sliding the key and pushing the door open. Bobby was flustered and yanked the key away as she pushed through the open door. 

"You should go." She said simply, tossing her bag aside and rummaging around. 

"You're not going to listen to me." He said, leaning against the door frame. 

"No." she said and he finally lost his temper. 

"You know, Roberta- you're such a stubborn mule sometimes." He said, making her turn to him in shock. "Did it ever occur to you that we might have ended up at the same place by coincidence?"

Bobby rolled her eyes. 

"Yeah, right." She said. 

"You look like a dead fish when you do that." He said angrily, slamming the door and finally walking away. 

Bobby stared wide eyed. Did... did he just storm out?

She turned to the mirror for a second... a dead fish? 

Wait- he's not supposed to storm out- she was the one that had something to be angry about. Bobby stood for a moment, catching her breath and realizing how exhausted she felt. Still, that didn't stop her from walking back towards the door quickly and yanking it open. 

She looked to her right and caught sight of Matt leaning against the hall door, a hand over his face. 

Matt turned and saw Bobby- for a moment neither said a thing- then, with a shake of his head, he turned away and began walking down the hall. 

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" Bobby asked angrily, following him. 

"To my room." He said. 

"Nice." She muttered sarcastically. 

"To get away from you." he continued. 

"Well, I'm not done with you yet, Matt." She said, this time finding it hard to keep up with him.

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