Part 56

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Hello guys!

That last part was definitely a tough one for me to write. I actually didn't expect it to go that way...until it did and I'm still a little disturbed by it. No worries, there is still time for redemptions and forgiveness. We do have a couple more things to wrap up so... I'm thinking another 10-12 parts.

Keep an eye out as I'm really trying to get it done this week. It would have been done sooner but I took the weekend off and completely disconnected from all screens.

Also, I am going to start updating another of the stories I left on hiatus previously. For those of you who aren't aware, I never finished A Shrew's Revenge 2, The Secret Life of Georgina Carlton, or A Mafia Daughter 3. I'm not sure which one to pick up first... thoughts? I'll decide this week and probably start updating once I'm about 5 parts away from the end of this one.

Thank you for your patience.



The week went by in a blur, completely. Matt didn't show up to the office for the rest of it and so Bobby, Emma, and Michael were left to handle the chaos that ensued when the Carlton family was not available.

On the bright side, Bobby worked much more efficiently without the distraction and after what happened, she needed the space from Matt. But now what? It was early Monday morning and Bobby wasn't sure that any of them would be showing up. What were they going to do? With Lisa gone, they were short staffed as it was. The could put in as much elbow grease as they wanted but there was no way they could do it all. They needed the CEO, they needed someone to make marketing decisions, and they needed to finish the books. 

"Good Morning, Bobby." Michael said, pulling her out of her thoughts. She was handing Kevin a stack of documents.

"5 sets of each." She said, turning to Michael and taking the books he was holding out to her. She took them, knowing she would need to prepare them to be sent to the CEO's apartment to be signed. 

"I need them by tomorrow." Michael said. 

"I'm trying my best." Bobby replied. 

"I know that but they have even approved the online forms. We're cutting it close. If they don't sign, we can't pay." Michael said, making her stop.

"Says who?" Bobby asked. 

"The accounting department." He said, making Bobby shake her head. 

"No, that's not right. Those guys should have some fail safe..." She said, "It doesn't make sense."

"They're working on a very old system and there has always been a Carlton available to take care of this." Michael said. Bobby nodded, that much was true. 

"I'll get someone out with this ASAP." She said, moving to turn back into her office. 

"Listen, I know there's a lot to do but I think we all need to sit down at some point this morning and go over what we already did and what's the most urgent." Michael said. 

"Yeah, okay. I think you're right. I'll set it up." She said and Michael shook his head. 

"You go downstairs and get that into someone's hands and out the door. I'll let Emma know." Michael said firmly. 

"Right. Okay, send me the invite." Bobby replied, swooping towards the elevator. She figured it would be faster to go downstairs, grab an intern and give them the files directly, than to call for one and have them send one up in a couple of hours. 

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