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"My first office trip! Woah! I didn't know that even office conducts fun trips. Well I have a family function at the same day of the trip,so what should I do???"

Just as my mind was busy thinking about these things, someone poked me from the back. I turned and saw a face smiling cheekily at me. It was Ananya. She was the first friend I made in the office. I always used to call her nanni and I know that she had a huge crush on me.

"Hey will you come for the trip?"

“No nanni! I don’t think I’ll be coming, I will be going home to attend the family function”

“Teddy?? You should come!!”

“First stop calling me teddy! Ena peruda Idhu? (what kind of name is this)”

“You stop calling me nanniiiii then i'll stop loosu!”

“You call me teddy itself because Ananya sounds too weird for me!”

“Ok this is our first office trip so make sure you attend it because if you don’t, it will create a bad impression on you only”

“Ok nanni I will try to convince my parents then! Can you please inform the Manager that I’ll be coming?”

“Yeah sure teddy!! Bye see you tomorrow then!”

I went home thinking about my office trip. Actually I stayed in a room along with a guy named Frank which was close to the office. He is just lik a clone of me! We both shared the same interests and he was also a musician, We discussed about music and food most of the time.

“Frank are you coming for the the trip tomorrow?”

“Yes! But you told you were not coming?”

“Actually nanni told………..”

“Enda naa sona varamata aana oru ponu koopta odana pora paathiya! (When I call, you won’t come but if a girl calls you’ll come huh?)”

“Shut up dood!!”

“Loosu you are seriously!!”

“Ok where exactly are we staying at kodaikanal?”

“We will be staying at Adventure Hike Resort!! You know I’m really so excited to go there!”

“Dooooood! It’s just a hill station like ooty! What’s so exciting about it?”

“You tubelightu!! It’s situated at one of the highest altitude in kodaikanal and my friends have said that there was something creepy about that place!”

“Oh like forest area huh? Wild animals? Adventure?”

“No no my friends have told that they had some paranormal experiences there”

“Huh? You mean like PEI (ghost) or RATHA KATERI (vampire)?"

“Ha ha who knows? Don’t be scared ok?”

“Let’s see about that! Enda naane oru pei, naana ila peiya nu paathuren! (I’m itself a ghost, let’s see whether it’s me or that ghost)"

“Hihi Loosu dooood good night!”

“Yeah and don’t forget to wake me up!”

“Yeah soooorrrrrrrrrreeeeeeee!!!”

I packed my bags and before I could think anything more about the trip, I dozed off.

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