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I parked the car at the side and tried touching the piano. It was real! I could feel it so alive.

Frank and nanni could sense the piano, but other than the three of us no one noticed the strange thing there!

“Hey Frank can we push the piano and burn it?”

“Yeah! That’s what I think”

“But teddy? If we burn the piano there is a chance that the spirit may get angry and try to destroy us!!”

“Hmm so the best way to get rid of this is by going to Kodaikanal!”

“Yes let’s get the hell out of here fast!”

The drive was a blur. My mind was in such dire straits that I told Frank to drive. The piano somehow stopped its strange medley and everything was normal.

We reached Adventure hike resort at last and walked up to the room where Sathish was staying. Just as I was about to walk up to her door and knock, something happened.

The dark figure from my house appeared directly in front of me, keeping me from reaching his door.

Frank and nanni jumped right behind my back. We backed up a bit, confused and frightened, but the figure did not follow. We ran back to the car to make a getaway, but the figure remained at Sathish’s door.

We walked back. In reaching the figure once again, we examined it. It was still, just as it was in my house before springing to life.

Keeping that in mind, I treaded lightly. I reached around the figure slowly to knock on the door, but I was stopped. The figure came to life once again and grabbed my arm with its skeletal hand.

“Frank please run to the car along with nanni”

“Dood I’m stuck! I can’t move”

“Me either teddy!!”

I also tried to run, but it had such a tight grip on me that I couldn't move. Not only this, but I could feel its presence anchoring me to the ground.

I can't explain it, but even without its hand this thing had its hooks in me.
I cowered before the figure and it leaned over me, almost as if to say "Leave this place"

It then vanished into thin air, right before our eyes. We gained some composure and started running towards the car.

“What do we do now nanni??”

“I don’t know! Frank do you have any ideas!”

“Ideas!? Both of you shut up!! Please I beg you both……. Dey Alan epadiyachu veetuku batharama sethuruda!”(Leave me at my place somehow Alan)

As we were running, I saw Sathish approaching the resort with his Tractor. We signalled to him and he stopped.

“Hey guys how are you doing? Want to stay in the resort again?”

“Sathish……… Please help us!”

We told everything that happened from the start. He listened everything carefully and looked at the small house where the piano was staying.

“I didn’t know that this piano can cause so much of trouble! I shouldn’t have lied to you! Let’s go to that house. I think that you should know everything about this piano and Ragu

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