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After sometime, a ball of swirling darkness curled around Nanni and I saw Aishwarya going inside her body.

"Is everything fine?"

"Yes Alan! Don't worry nothing will happen to your nanni"

"Ok so do you know where Mithun lives? I think he is the only person who could solve this mystery"

"Yes but I don't know where he lives! But I know someone who does!"

"Who is it? "

"The love of my life! My dear husband!"

"So you are saying that Ragu is also roaming like you somewhere?"

"No! He was buried in a church graveyard so..... his soul will remain intact there!"

"Then how can he help us?"

"I have a solution for that. I can't go inside to wake him up, but you can call him out! So will you do that for me?"

"Yes sure!"

After I said that, she came and kissed me in the lips. I pushed her.

"Hey stop it! You are Aishwarya! Just because you are in her body, doesn't make you nanni!"

"I'm nanni only teddy!"

"How can you be Aishwarya and Ananya at the same time?"

"I can but it's hard to explain so........."

"Ok whatever..... Frank can I borrow your car?"

"Yes dood sure!"

"Aishwarya? Sit in the backseat will you?"

"Why should I teddy? I'm nanni!"

"So what? You are also Aishwarya"

"Yes so?"

"So I will sit in the front seat! You shut and drive!"

"Both of you stop fighting!! I hate to be moderator between a mental and a half girl plus half ghost!! Nelama (Fate)"

"Shut up dooood!!"

"Hey Alan? Why don't you call her nannishu? Because she is half nanni half Aishu?"

"Did you forget I'm the ghost here Frank?"

"Sorry nanni.... I mean aishwarya..... huh.... forgive me"

"Ok Frank we are leaving! So please take care os the house while we are gone ok?"

"What? you planning to leave and enjoy with your girlfriend without me?"

"Girlfriend only..... but enjoy seriously... doood....!!!"

"I don't care whatever you say! I'm coming and that's final!"

"Ok! Whatever!"

"Alan!! Look! The piano is sitting on top of the car again!"

"Don't worry Frank! This piano will be the key to awaken Ragu's soul"

We all started our journey to Kodaikanal with the ghost that is. But this time we were not afraid of anything, anymore!

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