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We all went inside the small house. When he opened the door, we were all surprised to see the piano at the same place where it was kept. Sathish went near and touched the piano.

“So this is the cause of your problem na? Actually I must tell you all an important thing. Do you remember the guy named Mithun Alan?”

As soon as Sathish mentioned the name Mithun, The piano keys were hit hard by some unknown force. It made a thunderous sound then became silent.

Sathish told everyone to get out of the house and then he locked the door of the house.

“Mithun is the one who arranged Ragu’s career  and was engaged previously to Aishwarya right?”

“Exactly! The truth is, he also loved Aishwarya and straightaway went to his parents and said that he want to marry only her!”

“She didn’t know any of this?”

“After marriage, he came here and said everything!”

WTF! Then what happened?”

“She slapped him and told not to come here again”


“After that day, I found that the piano was burnt and….”


“I found Ragu shot dead and Aishwarya………………….”

“She was the burnt body inside the piano?”


“Omg! It’s really starting to get confusing! What about Mithun?”

“He is nowhere to be found! I couldn’t find him still. I didn’t inform the police about this yet!”

“But why?”

“I’m old and this resort is my only hope of living. If I inform about this, then no one will come to my resort! Please I beg you! Don’t tell about this to anyone”

“Ok! We will, but still this doesn’t give any explanation to the problem we have”

“That I myself don’t know! I don’t know why she’s doing like this!”

“Where did you bury the body of Aishwarya and Ragu?”

“I buried her body under this house itself but Ragu’s body is in the church graveyard!”

“That’s the reason for the paranormal activities! Why didn’t you bury her also in the church graveyard?”

“Because her body was burnt, I couldn’t bury her because the people will come to know that something had happened!”

“So do you have something that would help us to solve this problem?”

“I have some music notes which belongs to Ragu! If you could find out something from it, this problem will get over I think”

“Ok Sathish! Thanks for the information!”

After getting the things which belonged to Ragu, we all went inside the car and started our journey to Bangalore.

“Will we be able to solve this Alan?”

“Hope so Frank!”

The Haunted Piano Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant