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I was really shocked to see the piano play a strange medley by itself! I wanted to run, but terror kept me still. I watched as the horror unfolded right in front of my eyes.

The keys were being pressed down harder by some unseen force. The tempo of the piano piece started to get fast. As if these weren’t enough, the photos and clothes hanged on the wall began falling.

Nanni started screaming and hugged me tight so much that I could hardly breathe. It felt as though my house was shaking. A lamp in the corner then fell over, bringing my attention to that side of the room.

That's when I saw it. A dark figure rose from the piano. I couldn't make out any features on it. The moonlight was not enough to reveal this living silhouette's identity. Nanni fainted and fell on the floor. I really didn’t know what to do!

Murmuring prayers I gained some strength, lifted her and ran upstairs to Frank’s bedroom. I locked the door behind me, put her on the bed and tried waking her up.

She opened her eyes, smiled at me, held my hands and then started sleeping. All the while, the song raged on. The house continued to shake.
The dark figure for all I know, it could have made its way into the house.

Knowing this, my heart and thoughts raced at an equal rate. This was something entirely different. Something not of this world.

Just as I came to this realization, the music stopped. So did the shaking. With nothing left to do, I slept. It was no easy task, but fear has to taper off at some point. It eventually did, allowing me to escape the madness of my world and enter the realm of unconsciousness. I would have been grateful for this, had it not been short lived.

I awoke a few hours later to a house filled to the brim with utter silence. Nanni was still sleeping. Honestly, it was so silent that I immediately took notice.

Normally I'd hear at least the taps leaking or even the buzz of nature from outside, but none of these sounds were present. I got up and looked out my window for a clue.

The world outside my room was still. No wind, no cars, no animals, and no people. Nothing. It was peculiar. Sure, it was the middle of the night, but where was the life outside my home? Where was the life within it?

I seemed to be the only moving object in a frozen world. I hesitantly ventured downstairs for any further indication as to why everything seemed to be suspended in time.

As I reached the bottom step, I went into my bedroom and looked over at the piano. There was something off about it. I walked over to it and realized that a few of the keys were pressed down.

I attempted to touch them, but they would not budge. In pressing the other keys, I realized that none of them would budge at all.
It was so dark, I almost didn't see it.

The top of the piano was open and inside the piano was that dark figure. When I noticed it, I jumped and let out an awkward and fearful scream. The figure did not react.

It was as if it was animated along with the rest of the world. I decided to use this opportunity to my advantage. I crept over to the figure to get a better look at it.

I noticed that it was wearing some sort of dark shawl over the face. I cautiously attempted to pull the hood off of its head, but much like the piano keys it would not budge.

I couldn’t see the face clearly due to the darkness. I stood there staring at the figure for a few more seconds before a familiar music filled the room.

The piano started playing again by itself and in an instant the world came to life. I started to get the scare of my life.

“Please God help me to get out of this!!”

The Haunted Piano Where stories live. Discover now