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It was Frank! He smiled at me and hugged me tight. He had returned from his hometown it seems. He got surprised when nanni came standing near me.

“Hey doood! How are you?”

“Ya I am fine, so how are you guys doing here?”

“You won’t believe if I tell what happened to me and Alan last night”

“Tell me about it!!”

Nanni and I told everything that had happened. He went inside my bedroom and started laughing.

“Doood why are you laughing?”

“Ha ha you think I will fall for a silly prank like that? Come on Alan think big!”

“No dood what we are saying is true! Nanni and I are going to the resort again to find about the piano ghost”

“So where is the piano now?”

“It is missing from today morning. But believe me everything which we both told is real!”

“Ok ok! Whatever! If you are going to kodaikanal, then im also coming again! I’m now starting to love the piano ghost hihi!”

“What about our office? How are we going this time? Any ideas?”

“I will convince the manager don’t worry! Did you notice? I came in my car this time”

“Woah! Swift desire right? Awesome!”

“So when are we guys leaving?”


“Ok! Let’s see whether everything you both said is real or not”

We all got into the car, and started off. As we were driving, I heard the strange medley being played again! I told Frank to stop the car.

“Dood did you hear the strange piano medley?”

“Yeah! Must be the sound from some of the shops”

“No! It’s the damn piano alright?”

“Why da playing with me? You and nanni are trying to take revenge on me or something?”

“Nothing! Get out of the car we’ll find what it is”

The three of us got out of the car and the strangest thing happened! The piano was sitting right on top of the car! Even weirder was the fact that it didn’t even touch the top of the car!

“Alan! I’m starting to get scared! What you said must be true! Let’s go home”

“If we go home also, the piano will follow us! Going to Kodaikanal is our only hope!”

“Hey teddy! Did you notice one thing? All other people in the streets are walking as if nothing happened!

“Yes! Let’s go the shopkeeper over there and ask him
Excuse me na! Andha car mela piano onu irukradhu unga kannuku theridha?” (Can you see the piano on top of the car?)

“Ena da thambi? Kaalaiye thani aduchitiya? Poi velaya paarunga! Vyaabaratha kedukadheenga!”   (Why? Are you drunk? Continue with your work! Don’t spoil my sales)

“Shit! What are we three going to do now?”

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