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"How dare he propose you that too after marriage? Let me handle him!"

"Ragu! I already slapped him and scolded him. Please don't react to him because he only will be arranging the US trip"

"Ok! But Aishwarya.... You really love me na?"

"Baby? You doubt me?"

"Not like that! But I still..............."

"Stop it Ragu! How can you talk like this? I left everyone in my house only due to the reason that I loved you but you!!"

"I'm sorry.... But ...... since he is engaged I cant...."

"Don't touch me! I hate you....."

As they were both speaking, I saw Mithun entering the house. As soon as he realised that something was wrong, he tried to leave. Ragu snatched his collar and started beating him. Aishwarya tried stopping him but he kept on beating him.

"How can you do this to me Mithun?"

"Listen to me! I'm sorry! I just can't keep that feelings within myself!"

"Then why you trying to sleep with my wife when I'm gone?"

"Shut up! Don't talk bad about Aishwarya!"

"Who are you to talk about my wife?"

Saying that Ragu kept slapping him. He was almost out of breath. Aishwarya was begging Ragu to stop. Even I tried to stop, but it was not use. I couldn't touch anything. I was looking like a ghost in that place.

Mithun somehow managed to escape and ran away from his house. Ragu slammed the door hard and walked away. Aishwarya started crying. It was almost evening but there was no sign of Ragu returning. I followed her wherever she went.

After sometime, she took some music notes. I went near and saw them. It was the same notes which Sathish gave me. She opened the piano fallboard, sat on the stool and started playing the same medley I used to hear.

As she was playing, I noticed tears falling from her eyes, making the piano keys wet. I was Shocked! I know that Ragu was a musician, but Aishwarya!? She is playing it wonderfully!

To be honest, that was a very difficult piece to be played on piano. I saw her play it with awe. As I was hearing her play, the door opened and Ragu came in surprised.

"Hey Aishwarya? You know to play the piano? How?"

"Ragu.... I'm sorry.........(cries)"

"I only should apologize! I'm really sorry! I'm not worthy to be forgiven. I'm not fit to be your lover..."

"Come here you..............."

Saying that, she hugged him tight and they both started kissing. It was a perfect emotional scene like they show in movies.

"You know play to piano Aishu?"

"No! This medley is the one you composed for me na, I listen to how you play and practise it daily after you go out. I was just planning to surprise you on your birthday tomorrow"

"Aishu! You really are a darling! I'm sorry angel! I said so bad about you!"

"It's ok baby! I know you love me that's enough!"

After that, I saw both of them sitting on the same stool. They smiled at each other and played the strange medley together.

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