Chapter 2-its ricco!

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Okie since y'all messaging me and killing me for an Update, I'll give you then.

I'm walking and trying every other hotel. They're all full and I soon gave up hope. I stop by a restaurant, buy something and wonder where I'm going to stay. I flip out my tablet and watch other videos of last maan.

"So what else you think I should do for my next YouTube video. "Someone sat in a chair beside me.

"I don't know, do a video of you react to those boring musically." someone else said sitting down. I choose to ignore it and continue watching my video. I was finally finished eating and sat there still. The people beside me is so annoying. All they do is talk about YouTube and girls. They didn't even order. That was the last straw and I'm done with this.

"Can't you guys shut-"I stop and admire the person in front of me.

"Huh," the person look at me. "Hey," he wave his hands in front of me but I was too shock to reply.

"I uhm." I stuttered.

"The hell?" he said.

What are you doing girl, stop staring at him answer, answer!!

"Shut the heck up." I said

What! No! Why did I say that? I'm done for!

"What?" He laugh "calm down girl."

"Sorry." I said quickly.

"Okay," he said "nice watch." he grab my hand. Holy water,he touch me.

"Calm." my conscious said.

"Let me have my moment fool." I respond.

Gosh! Anyways.

Oh my God we touched. "What it say? Papi...ricco," he look at me "oh sorry you must be a fan."

Okay play it calm don't let him think you're Cray for him.

"Fan of who? You? Nah my little sister gave me this watch." even though I have no little sister.

"So explain this drawing." He point at my drawing book which just magical at this time choose to turn to one of my drawing of him. Gosh, I hate this goddamn drawing book.

"Nah, I found this book." I said

"And the video you're watching?"

"This Pfft I mean." I said don't know what to say.

"Seriously," he laugh already got the idea of me being a fan. "Okay not a fan," he emphasize on not a fan "what are you doing out here alone?" He ask

"I was supposed to be in Tokyo drawing but got on the wrong and now all the hotels are full." I tried saying that with confident. He took a look at his friends for a moment and they shake their head after an intense wondering look on their face.

"Look you seem like a nice girl and I don't want to leave a fan out alone." He look back at his friends then at me "would you like to stay with me for the time being?" I wanted to say yes fast as hell but act like I was thinking about it before saying yes.

"So that's great," he said" food won't be coming tonight so you got to buy something to eat tonight and tomorrow."

"Oh okay." I was screaming in my head like hell but keep it cool. He respond offered to buy my food and we make our way to his car.

No one said anything in the car,he ignored me, plugging in his headphone while his friends was staring outside the car, checking out the hot girls.

We finally pull up to his apartment and my heart skip a million beat every time I step toward his house.

"Yaay!" his friend's blaze in throw the door which ricco was hangings onto. They slump down on the couch and curl up taking in fresh breathe.

"Okay, guess I'll show her around." he said. He held his hand out for me to walk in front of him.

We look around the rooms he had but something was strange. All the rooms seem to be occupied.

"Guys where is the empty room I left? "Ricco ask.

"Remember that was for kaylup." robin, one of his friends said. "Guess she'll have to sleep with..."

"Shut up. "Ricco stop him then walk off. He later then call me to a room that was fill with poster of his name and such.

"I guess this is where you will sleep," he look disappointed "with me."

I was happy about but bruh! He got to act like I'm nasty or I'm going to steal something. He stayed in the room while I'm unpacking, setting up his camera light and everything.

"What's Gucci YouTube, I'm back with anyone YouTube vvviiidddeeeooo!" he stop nah "what Gucci YouTube is..."he stop again trying to prefect his introduction. I got up in bed wrapping up and lie down watching him try over and over.

He held his face into his hands and shake his head. He made his way to the bed and turn the TV on. I fell asleep from the crap he's watching. I could feel him beside me but I was too sleepy and couldn't think.

Am I the only one that realize he make videos showing the left side of his face but take picture on the right?

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The next chapter may have some sexual content. Enjoy.


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